
Mexican Org. Chiapas – San Cristobal Microlot – Washed Processed

69 Pounds Left! Regular Price $7.35/Lb
A great daily drinker! Works well from light to dark roasts. Very sweet and chocolaty cup of coffee with some lemony/floral crispness upfront. Light roasts will show stronger citrus mixing with a nuttier darker tone, small hint of caramel will show with a little longer setup. Could be a bit acidic for some, but presents nicely for those who like a little citric hit. Medium roasts smooth out the cup and move the darker tones to more along the chocolate like alley, far less noticeable citric tones. Likely the best roast for daily drinking, but much is personal preference. Closer to 2nd crack or touching, a strong chocolate like profile, more semi-sweet with very low acidity and a creamy mouthfeel.

Original price was: $7.35.Current price is: $6.35.

Out of stock

$7.35/lb $6.35/lb

1 lb

$7.00/lb $6.00/lb


$6.85/lb $5.85/lb


$6.50/lb $5.50/lb


$6.15/lb $5.15/lb

60+ lbs


San Cristóbal de las Casas is a “Pueblo Mágico” (Magic Town) in Chiapas, a government designation “defined as places with great symbolism and legends, they are towns whose historical importance has been fundamental for the development of history and that enhance the national identity in each of its spots.” Nearly half of the population are of indigenous descent, mostly Tzotzil, many of whom earn their living in coffee. Located in the dramatically undulated tropical highlands of Chiapas, equidistant from the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, San Cristóbal experiences significant variations in weather, from warm and wet to cool to dry and cool. This combines with rich soil to create ideal conditions for growing coffee.

Tasting Notes:
A great daily drinker! Works well from light to dark roasts. Very sweet and chocolaty cup of coffee with some lemony/floral crispness upfront. Light roasts will show stronger citrus mixing with a nuttier darker tone, small hint of caramel will show with a little longer setup. Could be a bit acidic for some, but presents nicely for those who like a little citric hit and a nuttier cup profile. Medium roasts smooth out the cup and move the darker tones to more along the chocolate like alley, far less noticeable citric tones. Likely the best roast for daily drinking, but will be personal preference. Closer to 2nd crack or touching it, a strong chocolate like profile, more semi-sweet with very low acidity and a creamy mouthfeel with a little spice in the aftertaste.

Roasting Notes: An easy coffee to roast: medium chaff levels and even roasting. A little longer setup helps smooth out a bit of acidity if you roast it a bit too light for your preference. For espresso or cold brew fans, roasting it a bit darker is likely wise for a sweet and chocolaty treat, too light and it can concentrate that citric edge. Drip, pour-over or French press, will be a much showier, balanced cup at the light-medium roast level.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:




Processing Method:



1100 – 1350 masl


Small Holder Farmers


Caturra, Costa Rica, Typica, Marsellesa


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