Decaffeinated Papua New Guinea Org. SWP

Best at medium to dark roasts, the cup is fuller bodied, lower acidity and rich.  A bit more potent cup than many of the Central/South American decafs but retains that more creamy chocolaty cup profile. Hints of an herbal spice can be found making the cup a bit more interesting.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


The Swiss Water® Process uses pure green coffee extract and proprietary carbon technology to remove caffeine from green coffee beans. Swiss Water® has specified the pore size of the carbon to match the caffeine molecule to ensure only the caffeine is trapped when the caffeine is captured from the green coffee extract.

From the seaside city of Lae on the east coast of Papua New Guinea, the Highland Highway winds for 200 miles and climbs 5,000 feet to reach Goroka, the center of coffee cultivation for the region. In the Eastern Highlands much of the coffee is still grown on very small “garden” plots alongside household subsistence crops. In the highlands, morning fog fills the valleys and the mountain peaks float above in the sun, the highest reaching nearly 15,000 feet. As the fog lifts, so does the chill. Clouds gather, and the afternoon warmth is often accompanied by fierce thunderstorms, which vanish as suddenly as they appear, making room for the whole cycle to start over again, and ideal climate for growing coffee.

Tasting Notes:  Best at medium to dark roasts, the cup is fuller bodied, lower acidity and rich.  A bit more potent cup than many of the Central/South American decafs but retains that more creamy chocolaty cup profile. Hints of an herbal spice can be found making the cup a bit more interesting.

Roasting Notes: Easy to roast, a nice processing batch. Roasts fairly even and is tasty at a little fuller roast points. For a milder everyday drinker, a nice stronger medium roast (a little before 2nd crack) is good. Darker roasts (into 2nd crack) get  bolder and a little more semi-sweet chocolaty but the roasty notes compliment the cup and darker roast fans will love it.

More Green Coffee Bean Information:
Guide to coffee processing methods
Papua New Guinea: The Wild West of Coffee Production

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs

Chimbu Province

Processing Method:

Swiss Water Processed

Lot #:


Arrival Date:



Arusha, Bourbon, Mundo Novo


Small Holder Farmers


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