Brazil Premium Minas Gerais – Sitio Rubiacea – Vivian Goncalves

22 Pounds Left
Great from light to dark. Lighter roasts will show some floral acidity and soft fruit tones comingling with a little nutty/caramel like darker note. Crisp, clean, sweet and balanced. Medium roasts mute up most of the floral attributes, gains a little body and thicker mouthfeel, just a pinch of a sweet fruity upfront quickly dominated by nutty and chocolate like tones. Darker roasts get a bit smoky and move the soft fruit tone to the aftertaste, mostly noticeable as the cup cools, a stronger nutty/chocolatey/smoky profile.


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60+ lbs


Our first single farm Brazil of the season! A very tasty and fresh project coffee featuring a wonderful female owned farm. Grown by Vivian, processed and sorted by our buddies over at Olam coffee.

Vivian’s passion for coffee began when she acquired her first farm, together with her husband Ronaldo, in 1986. Since then, she works on the administration, quality control and monitoring of certifications. For her, the secret to the quality of their coffees involves carefully monitoring the whole process, from the choice of varieties and the handing of seedlings to the timing of the harvest and meticulous post-harvest processing. All that, and of course, love and passion for the land itself. While most Brazil small holder coffee ends up in larger aggregate production lots, Vivian’s coffee has been kept separate and highlighted due to her meticulous farming skills and awesome quality control while picking.

Tasting Notes: Great from light to dark. Lighter roasts will show some floral acidity and soft fruit tones comingling with a little nutty/caramel like darker note. Crisp, clean, sweet and balanced. Medium roasts mute up most of the floral attributes, gains a little body and thicker mouthfeel, just a pinch of a sweet fruity upfront quickly dominated by nutty and chocolate like tones. Darker roasts get a bit smoky and move the soft fruit tone to the aftertaste, mostly noticeable as the cup cools, a stronger nutty/chocolatey/smoky profile.

Roasting Notes:
An easy coffee to roast but will roast a bit two toned, daily picking lots from Vivian have been blended together for this single farm offering. Medium chaff levels being a natural processed, generally not a need to reduce batch size chaff levels, but a bit more than average. If shooting for lighter roast points, good to go a little slower, will minimize the two toned roasting. We liked it best in the medium to borderline dark roast levels which were very easy to hit. A little longer setup is needed if shooting for a hint of caramel in the cup, comes off more nutty if drank sooner.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Minas Gerais

Processing Method:



Vivian Goncalves de Freitas Campos Borges


Acaia, Catuai, Catucai


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