
Brazil Cerrado Fazenda Sao Bernardo – Yellow Bourbon

Regular Price $7.49/lb
A great cup of coffee, a bit fuller bodied and very clean. A hint of floral upfront with a nutty/caramel/chocolate like undertone. A little hint of a soft fruit tone at the lighter roast points and on the sweeter side. Light roasts accentuate the nutty floral tones, a medium roast is where you see a little caramel, especially as the cup cools, darker roasts bring out the chocolate factor of the cup.


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$7.49/lb $5.99/lb

1 lb

$7.49/lb $5.99/lb


$7.49/lb $5.99/lb


$7.49/lb $5.99/lb


$7.49/lb $5.99/lb

60+ lbs


This coffee comes to us from producer Roberto Queiroz do Nascimento, owner of Fazenda São Bernardo, a farm in Brazil’s Minas Gerais region. The farm, established in 1961, spans a total of 291 hectares of which 213 are planted in Red Catuai, Yellow Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Topázio, and Rubi. Cherries here are picked ripe using both mechanical and manual harvesting techniques.  After harvesting, cherries are moved to a cement patio where they are dried for an average of 15 days while being moved 6 times per day.  Once the coffee is dried, it is moved to a mechanical coffee dryer to finish, ensuring an even and balanced resting moisture content.

Variety: Yellow Bourbon

Elevation: 1020 masl

Tasting Notes: A great cup of coffee, a bit fuller bodied and very clean. A hint of floral upfront with a nutty/caramel/chocolate like undertone. A little hint of a soft fruit tone at the lighter roast points and on the sweeter side. Light roasts accentuate the nutty floral tones, a medium roast is where you see a little caramel, especially as the cup cools, darker roasts bring out the chocolate factor of the cup.

Roasting Notes:
Medium to dark roast beans and very easy to roast. A medium roast was preferred around here. The smooth and semi-sweet caramel tones were fantastic. Dark roast fans will think it to be a little mild at a medium roast and should take it into 2nd crack.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Minas Gerais

Processing Method:



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