
Peru Cajamarca FTO – Sol y Cafe Cooperative

A very tasty cup; a bit more floral than your average Peru. Light roast around first crack are clean and more on the lemony floral side, hints of a nutty/chocolaty earthiness will be peeping its head out, some development past first crack or a slower roast will bring out the chocolaty factor a little better. A nice strong medium roast mellows those sharper floral tone and builds a tasty nutty and chocolaty factor, works great as a daily drinker. As one gets pretty close to touching 2nd crack, the acidity is almost all muted in the cup and it gets much bolder and flatter, bakers chocolate, smoke and some nuttiness.

Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $4.49.

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$5.99/lb $4.49/lb

1 lb

$5.99/lb $4.49/lb


$5.99/lb $4.49/lb


$5.99/lb $4.49/lb


$5.99/lb $4.49/lb

60+ lbs


A very fresh and tasty new crop arrival!

In Peru, the bulk of production comes from small farms owned and managed by indigenous people who follow organic farm management practice attuned to their cultural connection with the land. Producers typically cultivate coffee on just a few acres of land intercropped with shade trees, bananas, corn, and beans.

They carefully harvest and sort cherries before depulping, fermenting, washing, and drying the coffee using their own micro-mills. Simultaneously, cooperatives carry out activities that often go unnoticed but are crucial for small producers. These cooperatives are often divided into smaller locally run organizations, larger regional organizations, and even larger umbrella organizations.

The local cooperatives focus on training producers in best organic practices and invest in basic infrastructure needs like road improvements and establishing local warehouses. The regional cooperatives focus on creating micro-credit for producers and investing in social programs on a larger and more impactful scale, using the collective resources generated from the sale of coffee. Environmental training programs, healthcare initiatives, life insurance, and educational opportunities are just some of the ways these cooperatives strive to improve the quality of life for coffee producers and their families.

Tasting Notes: A very tasty cup; a bit more floral than your average Peru. Light roast around first crack are clean and more on the lemony floral side, hints of a nutty/chocolaty earthiness will be peeping its head out, some development past first crack or a slower roast will bring out the chocolaty factor a little better. A nice strong medium roast mellows those sharper floral tone and builds a tasty nutty and chocolaty factor, works great as a daily drinker. As one gets pretty close to touching 2nd crack, the acidity is almost all muted in the cup and it gets much bolder and flatter, bakers chocolate, smoke and some nuttiness.

Roasting Notes: A very stand up lot good at almost every roast. Having some acidity, we like to avoid super light or super dark roasts. Medium roasting is preferred for it will keep those nice sweet floral tones intact in the cup along with building some chocolaty factor. Pretty even roasting and low to medium chaff. Easy to roast.

Arabica varieties:
Typica, Caturra, Pache, Mondo Novo, Bourbon, Catuai, and Catimor

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Provinces of Jaén and San Ignacio in the department of Cajamarca, Peru

Processing Method:



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