
Honduran Premium Lempira – Kellton Obed Urrutia – Washed Catimor

Regular Price $5.79/Lb A very nice and clean Honduran offering. Hints of acidity upfront at the lighter roasts that give a little citrus with soft fruit balanced with a bit of dry semi-sweet chocolate, a bit floral in its aromatics. Medium roasts get much richer and bring good definition to the more chocolaty aspect, reducing acidity to a low acidity offering. A little hint of caramel in the cup especially as the cup cools. Darker roasts cut out all acidity and floral aspects leaving a much stronger more bakers chocolate type cup with hints of smoke and roasty notes.

Original price was: $5.79.Current price is: $4.50.

Out of stock

$5.79/lb $4.50/lb

1 lb

$5.79/lb $4.50/lb


$5.79/lb $4.50/lb


$5.79/lb $4.50/lb


$5.79/lb $4.50/lb

60+ lbs


A great single farm Honduran. Although there is nothing wrong with co-op or mill production coffees, single farm offerings are almost always better for the farmer, they do not involve nearly as many middleman and the farmer can usually pull a premium over working directly with a co-op or mill as well as build customer loyalty to insure a successful crop year.

Tasting Notes: A very nice and clean Honduran offering. Hints of acidity upfront at the lighter roasts that give a little citrus with soft fruit balanced with a bit of dry semi-sweet chocolate, a bit floral in its aromatics. Medium roasts get much richer and bring good definition to the more chocolaty aspect, reducing acidity to a low acidity offering. A little hint of caramel in the cup especially as the cup cools. Darker roasts cut out all acidity and floral aspects leaving a much stronger more bakers chocolate type cup with hints of smoke and roasty notes.

Roasting Notes: Easy to roast, a nice medium roast will make everyone happy. Tasty at the light roast or dark roast marks assuming you general like these roast points.

Kellton Obed Urrutia Trejo is a 29 year old farmer from Erandique district, in the state of Lempira in Western Honduras. Kellton is the son of coffee producers Saul Antonio and Ruth Arely, and as such as grew up learning ‘the ropes’ of farming: from agronomy, to harvesting and processing. From a young age he helped out in his spare time with activities like pulping, washing and drying. In 2008, Kellton graduated from high school at the Pompilio Ortega agricultural school in Macuelizo, Santa Barbara and in 2009 was offered a scholarship to study at Escuela Agricola Panamericana El Zamorano which he rejected to work as an agricultural instructor in the Salomon Sorto Zelaya technical institute in Santa Cruz, Lempira.

In 2010 Kellton left his teaching duties to work in potato & dairy farming on a small scale. His parents – being lifelong coffee farmers – weren’t too impressed with this move but supported him anyway. To encourage Kellton to rediscover coffee, his father loaned 1ha of land for coffee production which Kellton was able to pay back with the production. Since then Kellton has acquired more land and started to put his expertise to use with specialty coffee, re-discovering a love for the crop which formed the backdrop of his upbringing.


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Weight 1.01 lbs
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