
Ethiopian Guji Kayon Mountain Lot 25 – Washed Gr. 1 Org.

Regular Price $8.10/lb
New lot from Kayon Mountain!
Very clean cup following the traditional Washed Ethiopian profile. Peach like aromatics add a wonderful layer of complexity to the cup. Lighter roasts have a nice sweet lemony citric edge balancing with a smooth chocolate undertone. Definitely has some floral characteristics that pop right out as well as some hints of spice that get accentuated into the fuller roasts. Medium roasts gentle out the cup a bit, although it still retains hints of the more floral fruity factor the cup becomes more about the spicy tea like chocolate notes with some exotic aromatics. Darker roasts will be very low acidity but a bit edgy. Just touching 2nd crack is a sweet spot for the darker roasts fans to get that big chocolaty bittersweet cup without being too smoky.

Original price was: $8.10.Current price is: $6.88.

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$8.10/lb $6.88/lb

1 lb

$8.10/lb $6.88/lb


$8.10/lb $6.88/lb


$8.10/lb $6.88/lb


$8.10/lb $6.88/lb

60+ lbs


There are few entrances to Guji–a distant and heavily forested swath of land stretching southeast through the lower corner of the massive Oromia region–and none of these routes are short, or for the queasy, in any way. Guji is heavy with primary forest thanks to the Guji tribe, a part of Ethiopia’s vast and diverse Oromo nation, who have for generations organized and legislated to reduce mining and logging outfits in their area, in a struggle to conserve the land’s sacred canopy.  Compared to other coffee-heavy regions, large parts of Guji feel like prehistoric backwoods. Coffee farms in many parts of Guji begin at 2000 meters in elevation and tend to climb from there. The highland farming communities in this part of the country can be at turns Edenic in their natural purity, and startlingly remote. 

Near the town of Taro in the Odo Shakiso district is Kayon Mountain, founded by Ismael Hassen, a native of Kercha district who was born and raised surrounded by Guji’s coffee culture. Kayon Mountain is a massive coffee estate with 500 planted hectares (well over 1000 acres) of select Ethiopian arabica cultivars. The coffee genetics were originally isolated and bred by the Jimma Agricultural Research Center, whose coffee agenda includes studying and distributing select indigenous cultivars of Ethiopian coffee to help domestic farms renew and remain disease-resistant as they evolve. 74110 and 74112 are some of the Center’s oldest, and are both descendants of heirloom varieties of coffee isolated from the Illubabor Zone, an historic coffee region in the West of Ethiopia—also a part of the Oromia Region.    

Kayon Mountain is a standout, in many ways, among the broader landscape of Ethiopian coffee. To begin with, estates this large are rare in a country defined by its smallholder systems: there are over four million coffee farmers in Ethiopia and the average cultivation is a few hundred trees each. Next, Kayon Mountain exports its own coffee—a rare standing for farms of any size in Ethiopia—and as a result can bypass the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange auction entirely. Third, the estate was founded in 2012, when the Guji Zone government began carefully approving land grants to groups with ambitious organic farming plans that included the preservation of primary forest among their areas. So not only is the estate extremely young by Ethiopian standards, there is an environmental mandate built into their grant.  

The Kayon Mountain team has increased production over the past seven harvests and is currently applying for an additional land grand to further expand their operation. In addition to their own planted land, the farm buys and processes cherry from 12 other local, larger farms which are also organic and Rainforest Alliance certified.  Throughout the harvest the estate is picking from 9am-5pm and begins pulping at 7pm, after which the pulped seeds undergo a 3-part density sort and ferment by individual density class, underwater, taking between 24-36 hours depending on the climate. The decomposed mucilage is then rinsed and the clean parchment is soaked another 24 hours in fresh water before transportation to the raised beds where it will be hand-turned over the course of 2-3 weeks. The washed coffees are jasmine-like with a soft and sweet herbaceous quality, and often juicy in structure.   

Ethiopia’s Guji zone in many ways feels like the next generation of Ethiopian coffee. We see the marketplace itself evolving constantly in this country–the very exciting new wave of direct exports for one, the rise of private washing stations and boutique domestic buyers for another, and the foundation of modernized, large estates with quality and social justice equally at the forefront, setting management examples for producers worldwide. Guji itself however, as a place, a people, and a coffee, is like a newly emerged origin altogether. The forest-heavy zone with a conservationist spirit and uniquely candy-like coffees is getting its break now, and the world is better for it.

Variety: Indigenous cultivars 74110 and 74112

Elevation: 1800 – 2100 masl

Tasting Notes: Very clean cup following the traditional Washed Ethiopian profile. Peach like aromatics add a wonderful layer of complexity to the cup. Lighter roasts have a nice sweet lemony citric edge balancing with a spicy black tea-like undertone. Definitely has some floral characteristics that pop right out as well. Spice notes get accentuated into the fuller roasts. Medium roasts gentle out the cup a bit, although it still retains hints of the more floral fruity factor the cup becomes more about the spicy tea like chocolate notes with some exotic aromatics. Darker roasts will be very low acidity but a bit edgy. Just touching 2nd crack is a sweet spot for the darker roasts fans to get that big chocolaty bittersweet cup without being too smoky.

Roasting Notes: Being a top grade fresh washed processed, these beans are pretty easy to get a good cup out of. Lighter roasting will be medium-high acidity, darker roasting low acidity. Low to medium chaff on the beans and even roasting. If you like those more fruity floral tones, error a bit lighter, more of a robust exotic chocolaty fan, error a little darker.

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Weight 1.01 lbs
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