Huye Mountain Coffee is a private washing station established in 2011 to provide farmers in the region with access to international markets and buyers of specialty coffees.
Around 1,330 producers deliver their freshly picked coffee cherries to 26 collecting stations around the Huye community, where a truck visits daily to collect the farmers’ coffee during harvest season. This unique coffee comes from the Huye Mountain in the Huye District, in Southern Rwanda and grown above 1,900 meters. The natural process employed at Huye Mountain involves meticulous cherry selection and hand sorting prior to drying. Drying is done on raised African beds for between 14 and 28 days, depending on the weather, and the coffee is turned regularly.
Tasting Notes: Great from light to dark but keep it in the light to medium roast ballpark to see it shine. We couldn’t find a roast level or curve we didn’t like; a complex & chocolaty coffee. Lighter roasts will have a crisp lemony/floral acidity, a hint of soft fruit, balanced with a chocolate and spice darker tone; sweet edged, winy, and floral. A cup bound to impress almost every coffee fan. Medium roasts mellow the citric acidity promoting a rich, smooth & chocolate cup with some hints of classic African spice. Darker roasts were much more chocolaty and robust with complimenting roasty notes.
Roasting Notes: Beautiful prep and even roasting; medium chaff levels. Shoot for a classic light to medium roast, any signs of second crack, cool it out right away. If the cup is too sharp tasting, give it a couple day setup, gets nice and smooth.
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