Panama Premium Boquete – Camiseta Estate – Washed Processed

A clean, sweet and smooth cup of coffee one can drink all day long! A little fuller bodied at the light-medium roast level which made it very chuggable. Some crisp floral at lighter roasts but just a hint, medium to dark roasts would be marked as low acidity. Lighter roasts pull some nice balance sweet nutty and floral. As one pushes it into the medium roast range, the more nutty tones turn into hints of caramel and accentuate the malty cup profile. Dark roasts turn pretty strong but the nice sweeter malty cup profile mixes nicely with smoky and roasty notes.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


Located in some of the best growing territory in Panama, the same area that our buddies Keith Pech (Damarli Estate) and David Garrido (Mama Cata) are in.

A beautiful washed processed (classic) coffee. A great everyday drinker.

This washed coffee comes from Camiseta Estate, one of three farms owned by Laura E. Suárez, including Dona Eira Estate, Los Limones Estate. The varieties Typica, Catuai, Catuai Amarillo and Geisha are mainly grown here. The farms are located in El Salto, a municipality in Bajo Boquete, at altitude above 1,500 meters. The Catuaí variety is predominantly grown at Camiseta and the coffee has a particularly beautiful citric acidity.

Tasting Notes: A clean, sweet and smooth cup of coffee one can drink all day long! A little fuller bodied at the light-medium roast level which made it very chuggable. Some crisp floral at lighter roasts but just a hint, medium to dark roasts would be marked as low acidity. Lighter roasts pull some nice balance sweet nutty and floral. As one pushes it into the medium roast range, the more nutty tones turn into hints of caramel and accentuate the malty cup profile. Dark roasts turn pretty strong but the nice sweeter malty cup profile mixes nicely with smoky and roasty notes.

Roasting Notes: An easy coffee to roast, very nice screen. Good from light to dark, pretty low chaff and pretty even roasting. Darkens up pretty quickly, will look a little darker than it is. We recommend trying it on the lighter side of a medium roast to get a nicely balanced cup.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs


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