Mexican Terruño Nayarita – Cofradia de Chocolon – Washed Processed

Always one of our favorite Mexican coffees . A little fuller bodied, lower acidity, just a hint of citric at lighter roasts, semi-sweet nutty & chocolate tones, a lovely daily drinker. Lighter roasts accentuate some floral and the sweeter tones, but can risk a little herbal note if too close to 1st crack. Medium to just before 2nd crack will produce smooth defined and balanced cups. Darker roasts get edgy and strong, smoky nutty and bakers chocolate tones.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


Terruno Nayarita provides ultimate traceability into the lots, check out all the details here!

Want to know why we think Terruño Nayarita is so cool? Check out our new blog post about them. 

This is a co-op that holds a special place in our hearts. This coffee is from 100% traceable, directly traded micro-lots. Each bag is uniquely identified with a bar code and a serial number which can be used to see everything behind its production, click here to check it out. Gathered around an extinct volcano, Cerro San Juan, a committed group of 260 cooperative coffee farmers are working together to produce arguably the best coffee in Mexico. Terruño Nayarita coffees come from heirloom trees. The word ‘Terruño’ means ‘homestead’. These are farmers that take great pride in their coffee. This is the top screen-size/grade from the Terruño Nayarita Co-op.

San Cristobal Coffee Importers takes great care to find and produce excellent coffee, making sure farmers use safe, sustainable shade techniques and provide a fair wage to the workers. Check out their webpage:
San Cristobal

Tasting Notes:
Always one of our favorite Mexican coffees . A good cup from light to dark, medium roasts are our favorite. A little fuller bodied, lower acidity, just a hint of citric at lighter roasts, semi-sweet nutty & chocolate tones, a lovely smooth daily drinker. Lighter roasts accentuate some floral and the sweeter tones, but can risk a little herbal note if too close to 1st crack. Medium to just before 2nd crack will produce smooth defined and balanced cups. Darker roasts get edgy and strong, smoky nutty and bakers chocolate tones.

Roasting Notes:
Even roasting with medium to low chaff. We would shoot in the medium roast ballpark for your first attempt, to add a little more delicate and sweet, take it a little lighter next try, for stronger nutty and chocolate tones, a little darker.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:




Processing Method:



1042 masl






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