Guatemalan Premium Antigua – Finca Capetillo – San Sebastian

Antigua’s are generally gentle cups of coffee, good everday drinkers. Smooth, rich and clean, this is a great example. Lighter roasts will be more floral than chocolaty with some clear acidity, clean cup but enough acidity some might want to avoid lighter roast points. Medium roasts are well balanced and much smoother,  chocolaty with just a hint of crispness, a little spice note pops out in the aftertaste. Darker roasts are stronger and fuller bodied, chocolaty, not too roasty with just a hint of floral in the aftertaste and as the cup cools.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


This Genuine Antigua single farm lot, from Don Pedro Echeverria, is a paragon of the classic Antigua profile: floral versus chocolate, creamy body and sweet all the way through. A friend of a friend to Burman Coffee, Don Pedro and Edwin Martinez from our favorite Guat farm, FVH, worked together to create this lot and get it here. In the same ballpark as Huehue. coffees but less winey, more floral, less malty, more chocolaty.

Nestled perfectly in the Antigua valley between the Agua, Fuego, and Acatenango volcanoes, the beautiful Finca Capetillo is an excellent representation of the potential of Antigua’s growing conditions. The combination of mild temperatures, rich volcanic soils, and high altitudes bring forth elegant coffees with characteristic sweetness, deep chocolates, full body, and juicy, crisp fruit acidity.

Pedro Echeverría is the 6th generation to manage the historic farm, and has implemented innovative fertilization and farming practices, and has introduced new varieties to the farm. The dense canopy of carefully cultivated organic shade trees include Gravilea, Inga, Macadamia, and avocado trees. Beneath this patchwork, the Caturra, Catuaí, Bourbon, Pache, and Pacamara plants thrive. Cherries are picked ripe and processed in the farms own specialized wet and dry mills, using a combination of technical equipment and traditional practices from over 130 years of coffee farming.

Variety: Caturra, Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1500 masl

Tasting Notes: Antigua’s are generally gentle cups of coffee, good everday drinkers. Smooth, rich and clean, this is a great example. Lighter roasts will be more floral than chocolaty with some clear acidity, clean cup but enough acidity some might want to avoid lighter roast points. Medium roasts are well balanced and much smoother,  chocolaty with just a hint of crispness, a little spice note pops out in the aftertaste. Darker roasts are stronger and fuller bodied, chocolaty, not too roasty with just a hint of floral in the aftertaste and as the cup cools.

Roasting Notes: Medium to dark roasts are where this bean will shine but will be tasty light to dark. Light roasts just don’t have time to develop those lovely chocolaty notes. Easy bean to roast and play around with.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
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