
Guatemalan Premium Antigua – Finca Medina – Washed Processed

Low Stock Blowout – Only 55 Pounds Left – $6.99 Regular Price
Antigua’s are generally gentle cups of coffee, good everyday drinkers. Smooth, rich and clean, this is a great example. Lighter roasts will be more floral than chocolaty with some clear acidity, clean cup but enough acidity some might want to avoid lighter roast points. Medium roasts are well balanced and much smoother,  chocolaty with just a hint of crispness, a little spice note pops out in the aftertaste. Darker roasts are stronger and fuller bodied, chocolaty, not too roasty with just a hint of floral in the aftertaste and as the cup cools.

Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $5.79.

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$6.99/lb $5.79/lb

1 lb

$6.99/lb $5.79/lb


$6.99/lb $5.79/lb


$6.99/lb $5.79/lb


$6.79/lb $5.59/lb

60+ lbs


This is a small holder lot put together and processed by Finca Medina. A wonderful example of Antigua coffee, known for its citric/floral tones versus a nutty/chocolaty undertone. The original region that made Guatemalan coffee so famous.

Finca Medina works directly with a select group of farmers who have a shared commitment to care for their farms and the environment. Finca Medina helps these producers gain access to technical support regarding best practices for farm management, RFA certification, and cupping feedback, which helps farmers improve the quality of their coffee.

Tasting Notes: Antigua’s are generally gentle cups of coffee, good everyday drinkers. Smooth, rich and clean, this is a great example. Lighter roasts will be more floral than chocolaty with some clear acidity, clean cup but enough acidity some might want to avoid lighter roast points. Medium roasts are well balanced and much smoother,  chocolaty with just a hint of crispness, a little spice note pops out in the aftertaste. Darker roasts are stronger and fuller bodied, chocolaty, not too roasty with just a hint of floral in the aftertaste and as the cup cools.

Roasting Notes: Medium to dark roasts are where this bean will shine but will be tasty light to dark. Light roasts just don’t have time to develop those lovely chocolaty notes. Easy bean to roast and play around with.

More Info:
With no infrastructure for post-harvest processing at the farms, Finca Medina provides a centrally located collection point where farmers can easily deliver their cherry.  From there, the cherry is transported to the Finca Medina mill where the cherry is floated to remove less dense and damaged coffee before depulping.  Depuled coffee is fermented in tanks for up to 36-hour.

When the coffee is washed, water is well managed and properly treated. Wastewater and pulp are converted into compost and returned to the farms to amend the soil.  Next, the coffee is gently dried on patios for a period of 2 weeks to 11 percent moisture.  To prepare the coffee for export, Finca Medina uses its own dry-mill where dried parchment is dehulled and sorted with gravity beds, screens and an electronic color sorter. The result of this model of collaborative effort, between farmer and vertically integrated exporter, produces a traceable community blend with a vibrant and clean regional profile.


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Weight 1.01 lbs
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