3 lb Bundle: Tasty Value Coffees

Three individual pounds, this bundle includes:
Peru Junin COOPAGRY – Valle Santa Cruz – Gr. 1 Washed Processed
Papua New Guinea – Carpenter Estates – Kindeng – Kula Peaberry
Brazil Mogiana Guaxupé 15/16 FC SS

All very fresh coffee, current or new crop. Great premium screens on Co-op and Mill production coffees. Larger production coffees keep the costs down. Although these are not single farm micro lots, they are very tasty coffees giving the true terroir of their production areas and producing nations. A pleasure to drink and 100% responsibly sourced.



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Want some great coffees & stellar values? This bundle is for you!

All very fresh coffee, current or new crop. Great premium screens on Co-op and Mill production coffees. Larger production coffees keep the costs down. Although these are not single farm micro lots, they are very tasty coffees giving the true terroir of their production areas and producing nations. A pleasure to drink and 100% responsibly sourced.

This bundle contains 1 pound each of:

Peru Junin COOPAGRY – Valle Santa Cruz – Gr. 1 Washed Processed

A fresh and tasty, more direct traceable Peru! Partnering with our friends behind Mexico’s Terruno Nayarita co-op (FincaLab), whose growing and traceability system are second to none.

COOPAGRY is a forward-thinking organization founded to address the need for socio-economic stability in our region of Junín, Peru. Driven by complete transparency and a dedication to bottom-up traceability, we use cutting-edge FincaLab QMS technologies to ensure the highest standards in quality and sustainability. Our shade-grown coffees are both delicious and support forest biodiversity and conservation.

See full traceability along with more info here.

Tasting Notes: This cup is nice and clean, a little fuller bodied and smooth with a sweeter edge. A great year for Peru coffees; the cup starts just a little citric, fairly low acidity only detectable at the lighter roast points, a little hint of soft fruit but mainly a pretty chocolaty cup profile with some nutty accents. Lighter roasts one can find a hint of caramel if you get lucky, and leans on the nuttier side, little citric will poke out. A nice medium roast will make anyone happy and provide good balance and smooth chocolate tones, low acidity – a good daily drinker. Darker roasts work good but burn out a bit of the sweetness, the chocolaty factor sure compliments the toastier smoky tones of the dark roasts.

Roasting Notes: An easy bean to roast. If you like a little acidity and a more exotic cup profile, stick with the lighter roasts, just a little development past first crack. For most, getting a little closer to 2nd crack than first (medium) builds the body and chocolaty factor while producing a lower acidity cup. Darker roasts work for dark roast fans, but otherwise should be avoided.

Papua New Guinea – Carpenter Estates – Kindeng – Kula Peaberry

All coffee bearing the Carpenter Estate name is grown at over 5000 feet elevation. All of their Estates considers soil and water conservation as a priority, and, the plantation is bird and eco-friendly. The plantation employs a medium density shade strategy, using two types of shade trees. This promotes even ripening of coffee cherries and provides habitat for at least 90 species of birds.

These are washed processed Arabica coffees. Quality Control begins in the field; Cherry coffee is hand-picked and carefully checked for uniformity; it must be red and fully ripe which allows for the correct balance of sugar and acid within the cherry. This selected cherry is then pulped on the day of picking.

Tasting Notes:
The boldest tasting of the three peaberries, still silky smooth and clean tasting, fuller bodied with a creamy mouthfeel but with a bit of sweet spice in the cup. Lower acidity chocolaty cup profile with a sweet edge. We liked it best from a medium to dark roast, but with a little longer setup, light roast fans can find joy with these beans. Definitely a chocolaty cup profile with some stronger nutty and herbal/spice accents. If you roast before 2nd crack, which is preferred, one can balance in a hint of soft fruit acidity (similar to the Sigri) into the mix which is a big plus to the depth of flavor. Cup starts sweet at lighter roasts but will turn semi-sweet as you pushing into medium or dark roasts.

Roasting Notes:
Good almost anywhere – I would still avoid real light roasts for you will find a bit of raw acidity and underdeveloped darker tones. City plus to as dark as you want to go. To see it shine, keep it before 2nd crack. Dark roasts will impress dark roast fans but will burn out many tones that make this cup pretty stellar. Medium chaff levels and even roasting keeps it an easy to roast bean. Peaberries in air roasters can not move quite as well, might be good to slightly reduce batch size.

Brazil Mogiana Guaxupé 15/16 FC SS

A lovely Brazil arrival. Smooth, clean and rich, these beans make an awesome single origin cup, or blend base. This is a Fine Cup (FC) and Strictly Soft (SS), the highest cup category in the Brazilian coffee grading. 15/16 is the bean size, referring to normal sized beans, not strictly large, or overly small beans.

As the world’s largest coffee producer, Brazilian lots often come from larger estates that use highly mechanized processing strategies to manage larger volumes. The Mogiana region, split between the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, is the most renowned of three major Brazilian growing regions. This region has rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size.

This particular lot comes from Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores em Guaxupé (Cooxupé), which was established in 1937 and currently has 14,000 active members. Producers typically have farms that average 60 acres in size. Each producer cultivates and harvest their own cherries and places them on patios to dry to 15 percent moisture after which the coffee is moved to mechanical driers to precisely finish the drying to 11 percent moisture. Coffee is carefully stored until it is time for milling and export, which all takes place at the Cooxupé dry mill where traceability and quality control are carefully managed so each producer can be paid according to the quality of their coffee.

Tasting notes:
A very fresh and tasty Brazil! Best from medium to dark roasts. Lighter roasts show a sweet edge with lemon, floral & soft fruit, contrasted by a nuttier (almond like) darker undertone. With a little setup, the tones will combine to provide hints of caramel, a very tasty cup especially for the price. Too close to first crack will throw some herbal tones, but not far after first crack it will taste clean and defined. Medium roasts are richer, more of a developed chocolaty tone and decently less nutty; mutes up the sour floral edge, retains a little hint of soft fruit as the cup cools. Fairly neutral tasting and very chuggable. Darker promotes a thicker body and introduces a slightly bitter contrast that works very well for espresso.

Roasting Notes:
A nice large screen, fairly even roasting bean (will see a couple beans lighter than the others). Medium to high chaff.  Avoid light roasts unless you like sharper cups, quite tasty but will have a little acidity which many Brazil fans will shy away from.  Most will like it best at a medium roast, especially for single origin drinking, or into the darker roasts for blending.

Additional information

Weight 3.05 lbs


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