
Brazil Premium Cerrado – Fazenda Aragão – Natural Catuai

Only 12 pounds left!  Regular Price $7.16/lb
A wonderful female owned farm. Handed down the family chain, now on the 3rd generation being run by: Andreia Ribeiro Tartari. A great cup of coffee, a bit fuller bodied and clean. A hint of floral upfront with a nutty/chocolate like undertone. A little hint of a soft fruit tone at the lighter roast points and on the sweeter side. Light roasts accentuate the nutty floral tones, a medium roast is where you see a little caramel, especially as the cup cools, darker roasts bring out the chocolate factor of the cup. An easy drinking, fairly neutral cup of coffee everyone will enjoy.

Original price was: $7.16.Current price is: $5.99.

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$7.16/lb $5.99/lb

1 lb

$7.16/lb $5.99/lb


$7.16/lb $5.99/lb


$7.16/lb $5.99/lb


$7.16/lb $5.99/lb

60+ lbs


Only 12 pounds left! 
A wonderful female owned farm. Handed down the family chain, now on the 3rd generation being run by: Andreia Ribeiro Tartari.

“Our family has been in coffee growing for three generations, passing from great-grand mother to great-grand daughter. Our primary focus is to produce quality coffee that meets market expectations, always taking care of the environment and the well-being of our employees.”

Located in the rolling hills of Cerrado, this is a great example of a clean and more neutral Brazil coffee.

Tasting Notes:
A great cup of coffee, a bit fuller bodied and clean. A hint of floral upfront with a nutty/chocolate like undertone. A little hint of a soft fruit tone at the lighter roast points and on the sweeter side. Light roasts accentuate the nutty floral tones, a medium roast is where you see a little caramel, especially as the cup cools, darker roasts bring out the chocolate factor of the cup. An easy drinking, fairly neutral cup of coffee everyone will enjoy.

Roasting Notes:
Medium to dark roast beans and very easy to roast. A medium roast was preferred around here. The smooth and semi-sweet caramel tones were fantastic. Dark roast fans will think it to be a little mild at a medium roast and should take it into 2nd crack.

Farm Name: Aragão
Region: Cerrado
City: Patos de Minas
Year Founded: 2005
Cultivated area: 335 hectares
Processing: Natural
Growing Altitude: 950 masl
Varietal: Catuaí

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Minas Gerais

Processing Method:



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