Vietnam Lam Dong – Duc Trong Mill – Washed Processed Arabica

(9 customer reviews)

New 2023/24 Crop! 
Medium to dark roast beans & a great daily drinker! This cup is very thick and creamy, filled with semi-sweet chocolate and nutty tones.  A very easy to drink coffee. A hint of soft fruit can be seen at the light to medium roasts but pretty faint, not super noticeable until the cup cools. A bit of peppery spice at the darker roasts with some complimenting roasty and smoky tones. Lighter roasts will show some lemony acidity and can accentuate the fruitiness of the cup but often will come off a bit too dry. These beans are more about the creamy fuller bodied and smooth chocolate and nutty tones which will come out from medium roasts and beyond.


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60+ lbs


A beautiful small holder production coffee, large beans, Arabica strains, fresh as can be! One of our first Asian coffees that virtually has no trace of Robusta tones in the cup. We knew they had some tasty Arabica production just took us a bit to find it.

Did you know Vietnam usually takes the spot of the second largest coffee producer in the world? Behind Brazil a bit, but for its size, lots of coffee. An Arabica offering like this though is rare, mostly they grow Robusta.

The average farmer in this the Dung K’No region of Vietnam cultivates on about 1.2 hectares of land.  They grow a mix of Catimor with some heirloom Arabica varieties, though the country is more famous for its Robusta production. Coffee is delivered in its cherry form and is processed at a central washing station named Bao Loc located in Dung K’No. Ripe cherries are harvested,  de-pulped, and dried partially in their mucilage, then washed clean and dried on raised beds and/or patios for 3–5 days.

Once the coffees are done, the tasting experts screen and sort the beans into regular lots and premium lots to sell them accordingly. This is a premium top lot, large beaned; very tasty & clean cup.

Tasting Notes: Medium to dark roast beans & a great daily drinker! This cup is very thick and creamy, filled with semi-sweet chocolate and nutty tones.  A very easy to drink coffee. A hint of soft fruit can be seen at the light to medium roasts but pretty faint, not super noticeable until the cup cools. A bit of peppery spice at the darker roasts with some complimenting roasty and smoky tones. Lighter roasts will show some lemony acidity and can accentuate the fruitiness of the cup but often will come off a bit too dry. These beans are more about the creamy fuller bodied and smooth chocolate and nutty tones which will come out from medium roasts and beyond.

Roasting Notes: A beautiful large bean screen, nice color and low defect rate. Roasts slightly two toned and will be a little higher chaff then average for a washed processed coffee. Our favorite was a nice medium roast but darker roasts fans will definitely love it as well with its full body and creamy features. 48 hour setup recommended or risk of a little sour note upfront.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Dung K'No

Processing Method:


9 reviews for Vietnam Lam Dong – Duc Trong Mill – Washed Processed Arabica

  1. John G Turner (verified owner)

    I like this coffee. Good daily drinker. I roasted slow just to 2 crack. Has an earthy, chocolate taste. A lot of chaffe.

  2. Diane Small (verified owner)

    This is a great coffee. Some chocolate, smooth, low acid. Really glad we tried it and just ordered more!

  3. R C (verified owner)

    Mostly just chocolate taste in this one. Very low acid at city+.

  4. The Coffee Snob (verified owner)

    You cannot go wrong with these beans!

    This coffee is a great daily driver.

    Picked up about 2 LBS of Lam Dong from last years crop roasted between medium and dark roast the result is a low acidity, chocolate, nutty flavor.

    Im really excited to roast up this years crop as I just ordered 3 LBS today.

    Stay tuned!

  5. carterboatner (verified owner)

    Easy bean to roast in an SR800/extension tube. Raise gradually to 480 degs. over 8 minutes to a discernible 1st crack, end a 10 minute roast a bit higher at 500 degs., achieving a medium roast with 16.5-17% water loss. Chocolaty tones characteristic of Vietnam Arabica. Will buy more when available.

  6. Max Schaefer (verified owner)

    This surprised me. Easy-drinking, chocolatey, nutty, smooth. I roasted to just before second crack in an SR540. I’ll buy more of this one!

  7. Joe Buysse (verified owner)

    What a great cup of coffee! I like to buy varieties so my only regret is that I only purchased a pound of these fabulous beans.

  8. Marty Church (verified owner)

    My favorite so far I have got to make sure I stock up when you get the next time its in stock

  9. Big E (verified owner)

    I’ve been buying this bean here for the last 2-3 years. I don’t remember seeing this for sale here before that. Anyway, I find this coffee to be extremely interesting and complex. It has a lot of what I like about American coffees and Asian coffees, and puts it all together in one.

    I usually roast it as a single variety with multiple roast points from medium to dark, blended. It hits all the notes!

    This coffee is good medium it’s good dark it’s good very dark.

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