
Peru Junin COOPAGRY – Valle El Palomar – Gr. 1 Washed Processed

Regular Price $7.25/Lb
This cup is nice and clean, a little fuller bodied and smooth with a sweeter edge. A great year for Peru coffees; the cup starts just a little citric, fairly low acidity only detectable at the lighter roast points, a little hint of soft fruit but mainly a pretty chocolaty cup profile with some nutty accents. Lighter roasts one can find a hint of caramel if you get lucky, and leans on the nuttier side, little citric will poke out. A nice medium roast will make anyone happy and provide good balance and smooth chocolate tones, low acidity – a good daily drinker. Darker roasts work good but burn out a bit of the sweetness, the chocolaty factor sure compliments the toastier smoky tones of the dark roasts.

Original price was: $7.25.Current price is: $6.25.

1133 in stock


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$7.25/lb $6.25/lb

1 lb

$7.25/lb $6.25/lb


$7.25/lb $6.25/lb


$7.25/lb $6.25/lb


$7.25/lb $6.25/lb

60+ lbs


A fresh and tasty, more direct traceable Peru! Partnering with our friends behind Mexico’s Terruno Nayarita co-op (FincaLab), whose growing and traceability system are second to none.

COOPAGRY is a forward-thinking organization founded to address the need for socio-economic stability in our region of Junín, Peru. Driven by complete transparency and a dedication to bottom-up traceability, we use cutting-edge FincaLab QMS technologies to ensure the highest standards in quality and sustainability. Our shade-grown coffees are both delicious and support forest biodiversity and conservation.

See full traceability along with more info here.

Tasting Notes: This cup is nice and clean, a little fuller bodied and smooth with a sweeter edge. A great year for Peru coffees; the cup starts just a little citric, fairly low acidity only detectable at the lighter roast points, a little hint of soft fruit but mainly a pretty chocolaty cup profile with some nutty accents. Lighter roasts one can find a hint of caramel if you get lucky, and leans on the nuttier side, little citric will poke out. A nice medium roast will make anyone happy and provide good balance and smooth chocolate tones, low acidity – a good daily drinker. Darker roasts work good but burn out a bit of the sweetness, the chocolaty factor sure compliments the toastier smoky tones of the dark roasts.

Roasting Notes: An easy bean to roast. If you like a little acidity and a more exotic cup profile, stick with the lighter roasts, just a little development past first crack. For most, getting a little closer to 2nd crack than first (medium) builds the body and chocolaty factor while producing a lower acidity cup. Darker roasts work for dark roast fans, but otherwise should be avoided.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



San Luis de Shuaro, Junin

Processing Method:



Average Altitude 1780 masl


20% Caturra, 22% Catimor, 20% Catuai, 2% Pache, 4% Gesha, 1% Typica, 15% Obata, 16% Tupi


COOPAGRY Producers


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