Indonesian Premium Sumatra – Aceh Pantan Musara – Washed processed

Good from light to dark although we thought it best at a nice medium roast. Crisp tones, slight citrus/fruit note and a fuller bodied rustic chocolaty factor to balance it off. Sweet and clean, this is a stronger cup of a coffee! Just a bit of the classic Indo earthiness, I might link this coffee closer to an exotic Colombian than an Indo (which is way cool). Very nice rich chocolate tones (a little sweet malt/caramel as it cools) adds to the mix of delicate flavors present in this cup. A slight smoky aftertaste can be picked up at the darker roast points. This is a must try for anyone who likes a real full bodied complex cup of joe!


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1 lb








60+ lbs


A very unique Sumatra. Good prep and washed processed, puts it in a class of its own. Although it pulls some terroir from Sumatra; a little complex earthy/chocolate, it is almost more like a Central or South American coffee with its balanced cup characteristics and cleaner tastes.

A great replacement for the Sulawesi Toarco coffees, which unfortunately due to being lower quality, are not going to make it in this season.

This coffee comes from a small mill in the Pegasing district of Takengon, in Sumatra’s coffee-famous Aceh region. The mill serves several small coffee producers within the Pantan Musara villages; several years ago, these producers were dislocated from their homes and land because of a natural disaster, and they have rebuilt their lives and farms with a new focus on coffee. Unlike the vast majority of other Sumatran coffee receiving and processing centers, this mill is producing Washed coffees, as well as Naturals.

Tasting Notes:
Good from light to dark although we thought it best at a nice medium roast. Crisp tones, slight citrus/fruit note and a fuller bodied rustic chocolaty factor to balance it off. Sweet and clean, this is a stronger cup of a coffee! Just a bit of the classic Indo earthiness, I might link this coffee closer to an exotic Colombian than an Indo (which is way cool). Very nice rich chocolate tones (a little sweet malt/caramel as it cools) adds to the mix of delicate flavors present in this cup. A slight smoky aftertaste can be picked up at the darker roast points. This is a must try for anyone who likes a real full bodied complex cup of joe!

Roasting Notes: 
We enjoyed this Sumatra at a medium roast, still nicely complex and balanced but mutes a little acidity and promotes more chocolaty than earthy notes. Darker roast will promote that very thick and creamy cup but will mute most of the brightness which is pretty cool to have in the flavor profile.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Aceh, Sumatra

Processing Method:



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