
Ethiopian Sidama Org. Bombe Gr. 3 – Natural

Regular Price $8.49/lb
This is not a super fruity natural, would be considered a darker toned, lower acidity, chocolaty cup. One can tell its natural processed roots with its sweetness and thickness and its Ethiopian roots with highlights of spice & fruity/floral notes throughout the roast range. Best served in the light to medium roast range for drip brew for it will show its best balance and promote a hint of fruity/floral. Turns into a chocolate bomb at the darker roasts, more on the dark chocolate side, which would work wonderfully for espresso or cold brew. Lighter roasts have a pinch of citric acidity and wonderful aromatics, hints of red fruit that balance with a bit of semi-nutty tea like spice.

Original price was: $8.49.Current price is: $7.25.

293 in stock


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$8.49/lb $7.25/lb

1 lb

$8.49/lb $7.25/lb


$8.49/lb $7.25/lb


$8.49/lb $7.25/lb


$8.29/lb $7.05/lb

60+ lbs


The processing station is located in Bombe, a small town in the Bensa district of eastern Sidama, close to the Harenna Forest preserve. The 725 farmers delivering cherry to the washing station average two hectares each in this area and some of the highest elevations in the whole of Sidama. There are three collection sites responsible for managing cherry delivery throughout the catchment area.  

Bombe processes equal volumes of both fully washed and natural coffees, and has also produced a number of barrier-pushing experimental microlots over the years using unique fermentation techniques. This lot, a standard sundried natural, was carefully curated at the cherry stage. All cherry was then floated to remove less dense coffee, and then sundried on raised screen beds for 21 days. Drying beds are intentionally placed in areas that receive more consistent wind and less direct sunlight over the course of a day, which allows cherries to dry more evenly and avoid the risks of uneven temperatures, breakage, or drying too quickly and losing flavor in the process. 

The Sidama region is known for producing the most coffee at the highest grades in Ethiopia, and the geography explains why this is. This region spreads across fertile highlands, where half of the land is cultivated. The surrounding rivers and lakes along with the very high elevation results in cool weather and fertile soil. These factors, in combination with over 100 inches of rainfall per year, cause the coffee to ripen slower than in any other region in Ethiopia. There are over 50 cooperatives and 200 washing stations throughout Sidama.

Tasting Notes: This is not a super fruity natural, would be considered a darker toned, lower acidity, chocolaty cup. One can tell its natural processed roots with its sweetness and thickness and its Ethiopian roots with highlights of spice & fruity/floral notes throughout the roast range. Best served in the light to medium roast range for drip brew for it will show its best balance and promote a hint of fruity/floral. Turns into a chocolate bomb at the darker roasts, more on the dark chocolate side, which would work wonderfully for espresso or cold brew. Lighter roasts have a pinch of citric acidity and wonderful aromatics, hints of red fruit that balance with a bit of semi-nutty tea like spice.

Flavor Profile: Lime, strawberry, hibiscus, balsamic, sweet, cocoa

Roasting Notes: Easy cup to roast, make sure you get some development past first crack, can risk a little grassy at super light roasts. Great from a medium roast to as dark as you want to go. Medium chaff, shouldn’t cause any issues. A slower roast helps mute some acidity and bring the lovely complex dark tone to the foreground. One will see a couple lighter beans in the mix, judge roast level by the bulk of the beans, not the couple of lighter ones.


Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
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Bombe, Sidama

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