Bolivian Presidential Coffee Winner #4 – Finca Manantial – Washed Gesha

Only 5 Pounds Left! 
Best at the light to medium roast. Very clean cup that will shine with the brighter more floral notes. Citric (lemony), classic floral and jasmine will be the first notes to hit the tongue. Sweet edged cup that pulls some balance with a little hint of a spicy chocolate undertone. Definitely a brighter cup, got to love some acidity to find the joy in this stellar offering. As the beans setup, or the cup cools, one can pull some soft fruit, but its pretty overwhelmed by the crisp more citric floral tones at most of the roast points. Once you push to a medium roast or beyond, the darker tea (kind of bergamot like) tone will stick right out in the cup, which some will love, but we recommend the lighter points promoting the more citric, jasmine attributes.


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Our first award winning Bolivian coffee! Kind of like a COE winning coffee, Bolivia due to political differences, booted out the “technical” COE competition since it has strong ties to the western world, but then created their own, call the Presidential Coffee Competition. This lot took 4th place, and being a little more delicate cup, did not get as bid up as many of the others. Both 3rd place, and 5th place, auctioned off for more than $20/lb! This is an awesome coffee at quite the deal comparatively. Our buddy Joey, who heads up Cafe Kreyol and is basically our man on the ground in Bolivia, was a judge for this seasons competition.

Mr. Angel, his wife and their two children have been producing coffee for five years, cultivating the Castillo variety. In recent years, he found how the Geisha variety began to predominate in quality and price in the different competitions, which motivated him to cultivate the Geisha variety, achieving it’s first fruits this year.

Mr. Angel, says that growing the Geisha variety in his community has a particularity, because it must ferment up to 28 hours to achieve a good wash, he considers that despite being at an altitude of 1350 meters above sea level, the environment has a cold climate.

He works in the coffee plantation with the hope of being able to give his family the comforts and above all, allow his children to study. He is very happy and pleasantly surprised to have managed to be among the best coffee producers in Bolivia.

Tasting Notes: Best at the light to medium roast. Very clean cup that will shine with the brighter more floral notes. Citric (lemony), classic floral and jasmine will be the first notes to hit the tongue. Sweet edged cup that pulls some balance with a little hint of a spicy chocolate undertone. Definitely a brighter cup, got to love some acidity to find the joy in this stellar offering. As the beans setup, or the cup cools, one can pull some soft fruit, but its pretty overwhelmed by the crisp more citric floral tones at most of the roast points. Once you push to a medium roast or beyond, the darker tea (kind of bergamot like) tone will stick right out in the cup, which some will love, but we recommend the lighter points promoting the more citric, jasmine attributes.

Roasting Notes: A beautiful lot, easy to roast. Assuming you like brighter more floral cups (where these beans shine), a quicker and lighter roast works great, but you may want to give it a longer setup time (3-4 days) or the citric tones can be pretty overwhelming. If you have liked other Gesha coffees, but do not like really strong citric coffees, still keep it lighter roasted but slow down the roast considerably, it will present a much more balanced cup accentuating some of the darker chocolate, nutty and spice tones. Similarly to going darker, we thought this cup shines lighter for sure, but its tasty across the board. If you like more black tea like tones from Ethiopians or other Gesha coffees, might be worth pushing it into the medium to strong medium roast levels. Mutes a ton of the acidity and jasmine like attributes, but the dark tea tones will make some fans for sure.

Bolivian Competition Winner
Bolivian COE Winner

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Weight 1.01 lbs

Carrasco La Reserva

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