
Ethiopian Sidama Washed Gr. 2 Dara

Regular Price $6.19/lb
A very cool washed Ethiopian from one of the more renowned mills. This Ethiopian cup is a bit milder than average but an awesome example of a high end washed processed Ethiopian. Lighter roasts will have some citric acidity and a nice more tropical fruity factor balanced with a faint tea like chocolaty undertone. Medium roasts really mellow out the acidity and reduce the fruit tone but create a bit more body and a much more recognizable chocolaty factor. A very smooth, balanced cup with exotic highlights. Darker roast burn out all the fruity and acidic notes, gets a little smoky roasty with strong bakers chocolate tones..

Original price was: $6.19.Current price is: $4.89.

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$6.19/lb $4.89/lb

1 lb

$6.19/lb $4.89/lb


$6.19/lb $4.89/lb


$6.19/lb $4.89/lb


$6.19/lb $4.89/lb

60+ lbs


The climb from the southern end of the Great Rift Valley, through Shashamene and past Awasa is gradual, and coffee trees slowly increase in frequency, large, lanky, and dusty by the roadside, many so tall they lean on the roofs of houses for support. Coffees here are earlier than in the far south, delicate, and citric. Sidama has one of the most robust cooperative unions in the country with 53 member cooperatives, as well as a thriving industry of independent washing stations  The Dara washing station is one such independent station located in eastern Sidamaclose to the Harenna Forest preserve in the Bensa district.

Tasting Notes: Very tasty darker toned Ethiopian cup. Wonderfully exotic aromatics, lots of floral and spice. The cup itself is a bit lower acidity, hints of a crisp floral at lighter roasts but very low acidity from medium to dark roasts. Good depth to the more spicy and robust African chocolaty undertones. We thought it best around the medium roast mark, smooth and mostly chocolaty with just a hint of exotic floral notes. Works well dark for a much more robust exotic treat with a little smoke in the aftertaste.

Roasting Notes: Easy cup to roast, make sure you get some development past first crack, can risk a little grassy at super light roasts. Great from a medium roast to as dark as you want to go. Medium chaff, shouldn’t cause any issues.

Washed lots at Dara are fermented slowly—36 to 48 hours–due to the low ambient temperatures in the region and the replenishment of cold groundwater throughout the process. Drying takes 12-15 days and wet parchment is often covered during the searingly-hot afternoon hours to protect it from cracking  Private processors like Dara are a thing to behold. It’s a tough business being a private processor in Sidama, as the sheer density of competition among washing stations tends to push cherry prices as high as double throughout a single harvest, and privates often don’t have the backing of a larger union to secure financing, regulate cherry prices, or bring export costs down with centralized milling and marketing. Successful private washing stations like Dara, then, need to be not only standout quality processors to stay afloat; they must also be excellent business developers with connections and community standing, in order to continue winning the business of farmers and buyers alike, and stay afloat for the long term.  

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Lot #:



Bensa District, Sidama Zone

Processing Method:



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