Congo FTO Kivu – Mighty Peace – Umoja Washed

A very clean high rated cup this season. Lighter roasts show good citric acidity and development. No earthy funk in this cup like so many Congos can have. Floral, hints of soft fruit balanced with a clean and semi-sweet chocolate spice tones. Not a high acidity cup but does have enough at lighter roasts to scare away lower acidity fans (roast it fuller to drop acidity levels). Medium roasts have a lovely balance, a little fuller bodied, just a small hint of crispness. Brings forth a thicker body and accentuates the lovely spice notes. Dark roasts turn the cup much more potent and filled with rough and tumble bakers chocolate and smoky tones, edgy and strong which some will love.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


A splendidly tasty and feel-good coffee.

Surprisingly, we actually ran into Might Peace Congolese Coffee locally, here in Wisconsin – some of the founding members live in the area, and many of the others located much farther away have stopped out to visit and drink lots of coffee – wonderful folks!

With 11,600 members in 21 sectors, Umoja farmers produce fully washed coffee certified FTO (SPP) and Utz. They produce Kivu Arabica specialty coffees using mostly Bourbon varieties, grown on volcanic soil at an altitude of over 1,480 meters, between Lake Kivu and the Mitumba mountain range.

Umoja coffee offers a complex mix of flavors: tropical fruits, wine, honey and lemon, with a score of more than 85 points. The cooperative holds Fair Trade and Organic certifications. In the 10 years Umoja farmers have been growing specialty coffees, sales have helped to improve the living conditions of their members, providing schooling, housing, jobs and reducing coffee smuggling on Lake Kivu, while promoting women’s and pygmy rights.

Tasting Notes: A very clean high rated cup this season. Lighter roasts show good citric acidity and development. No earthy funk in this cup like so many Congos can have. Floral, hints of soft fruit balanced with a clean and semi-sweet chocolate spice tones. Not a high acidity cup but does have enough at lighter roasts to scare away lower acidity fans (roast it fuller to drop acidity levels). Medium roasts have a lovely balance, a little fuller bodied, just a small hint of crispness. Brings forth a thicker body and accentuates the lovely spice notes. Dark roasts turn the cup much more potent and filled with rough and tumble bakers chocolate and smoky tones, edgy and strong which some will love.

Roasting Notes: An easy bean to roast. Make sure to get at least a medium roast if you do not like an acidic edge. Once you hit 2nd crack the cup will turn much more bittersweet and smoky. To retain a smooth and exotic cup, try keeping it before 2nd crack. Lower chaff and even roasting.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



South Kivu

Processing Method:



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