Tanzania RFA Edelweiss Estate Honey Process AB

A very cool crisp and clean cup of coffee. A little fruit forward but not over the top, at almost any roast one will get a faint red fruit tones lingering in the aftertaste. A little brighter cup that is tailored to before 2nd crack roasts. Very chocolaty with a medium body balanced with nice floral sweet acidity upfront and a hint of honey processed red fruit in the aftertaste.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


A very cool new crop single estate Tanz coffee with a very tasty honey processing method.

Edelweiss estate located in Oldeani, Tanzania. The 600 acre estate is perched on the slopes of the Ngorogoro Caldera (the largest unbroken caldera in the world), a protected wildlife refuge for the endangered black rhino and UNESCO World Heritage site. The estate has been in the Vohora family since the end of World War II. In recent years the Vohora family has made significant farm renovation including inter-cropping macadamia trees for shade and income diversity. Mill innovations have also vastly improved water management and quality control from picking to export. More than 50 full time employees have access to housing and land to grow food crops for their families.

Tasting Notes: A very cool crisp and clean cup of coffee. A little fruit forward but not over the top, at almost any roast one will get a faint red fruit tones lingering in the aftertaste. A little brighter cup that is tailored to before 2nd crack roasts. Very chocolaty with a medium body balanced with nice floral sweet acidity upfront and a hint of honey processed red fruit in the aftertaste.

Roasting Notes: A light to medium roast coffee for sure, this is not one to touch 2nd crack or go into 2nd crack with. The washed processed will hold up much better in that regard. The beans will look a little darker shade than the roast actually is, make sure you see the expansion in size to mark you lighter roasts. Most should shoot for a medium roast to start so not to front load the cup with overly floral tones.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:



Edelweiss Estate

Processing Method:


Lot #:



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