Brazil Premium Espirito Santo – Sitio Bateia – Red Catucai Pulped-Natural

A wonderful new Brazilian arrival! Good from light to dark, clean and rich with a nutty and chocolaty profile. Lighter roasts will show hints of lemony acidity and soft fruit, floral aromatics with a semi-sweet chocolaty undertone, a little dry but complex and clean. Medium roasts build a little more body and chop out the acidity, a more neutral cup that is very easy to drink all day. Darker roasts shine as well, touching 2nd crack develops a sweeter edge to the cup and creates a wonderful mix of stronger chocolaty tones with a little smoke in the aftertaste. As the cup cools one can detect little hints of that soft fruit tone that pops out at the light roasts but would not consider it a fruity coffee. A fun single origin coffee or snazzy blend base for your house espresso.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


Ederval Sartori was born and raised on Sítio Bateia in the municipality of Castelo in the mountains of Capixabas in the south of Espírito Santo state. He was the youngest child of José Sartori, coffee producer and owner of the farm, and grew up working in the fields here with his father and siblings.

In 2010, Ederval acquired his own property and continued his coffee career working in partnership with his family, working on his own land as well as partnering in the farm that he had grown up on, Sítio Bateia. Bateia is now a partnership between three producers—José Fernando Fortunato, Ederval Sartori, and Edson Pires Sartori—who work together to cultivate the coffee here. After harvest, the coffee is divided between the three for post-harvest processing and sold by the producers as individuals.

The three partners have continued developing their production processes for many years now at the farm. They adhere to selective harvest of only ripe cherries, and Ederval dries his coffees on suspended beds in a greenhouse for a total of 15–20 days. Together they all share a vision of quality and sustainability in their production, seeking continuous improvement in their harvest and post-harvest processes.

Tasting Notes: A wonderful new Brazilian arrival! Good from light to dark, clean and rich with a nutty and chocolaty profile. Lighter roasts will show hints of lemony acidity and soft fruit, floral aromatics with a semi-sweet chocolaty undertone, a little dry but complex and clean. Medium roasts build a little more body and chop out the acidity, a more neutral cup that is very easy to drink all day. Darker roasts shine as well, touching 2nd crack develops a sweeter edge to the cup and creates a wonderful mix of stronger chocolaty tones with a little smoke in the aftertaste. As the cup cools one can detect little hints of that soft fruit tone that pops out at the light roasts but would not consider it a fruity coffee. A fun single origin coffee or snazzy blend base for your house espresso.

Roasting Notes: An easy bean to roast, medium to high chaff but pretty even roasting. To get a little more fruit forward exotic cup, keep it on the lighter roast spectrum. To get more body and traditional nutty/chocolaty tones, medium to dark roast.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Lot #:



Montanhas do Espirito Santo

Arrival Date:


Processing Method:

Pulped Natural


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