Indonesian Flores – Tuang Coffee – Anaerobic Natural Robusta

A very tasty Robusta coffee. Clear stone fruit tones upfront with a hint of floral, giving a nice and sweet edge. Balanced with a thicker and stronger darker spice tone that only Robusta will have. No replicating this cup with Arabica beans. Reminiscent of European espresso, some love the spicy tones of Robusta, others will not, but definitely worth a try if you have not had it before. Darker roasts get real thick and creamy, mostly chocolaty/smoky with spice but the fruit will pop out a little in the aftertaste or as the cup cools. Light roast will pull a little grassy but accentuate the fruitiness of the cup, still very tasty but a little on the earthy side.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


It has been a long time since we had a high end Robusta, when we tried this cup we couldn’t help but to pick it up. Good as a single origin coffee, or blender. Keep in mind this is a fruit forward coffee being Anaerobic Natural processed. Not over the top but clear stone fruit tones. Robusta also has more caffeine to it, so although smooth, sweet and clean tasting, it might get you going more than your normal cup of coffee!

Tuang Coffee Company, buddies with Johnson, our Red Badger Sumatra source, works with local farmers in Manggarai, Flores. By providing coffee processing infrastructure, they can ensure higher prices for the farmers while trying out cutting edge processing methods to bring out interesting flavors of coffee. They recognize the important role women play in coffee growing and processing. They are also dedicated to sustainability and conserving the nature surrounding the coffee farms.

Altitude: 1400 to 1700 masl

Tasting Notes: A very tasty Robusta coffee. Clear stone fruit tones upfront with a hint of floral, giving a nice and sweet edge. Balanced with a thicker and stronger darker spice tone that only Robusta will have. No replicating this cup with Arabica beans. Reminiscent of European espresso, some love the spicy tones of Robusta, others will not, but definitely worth a try if you have not had it before. Darker roasts get real thick and creamy, mostly chocolaty/smoky with spice but the fruit will pop out a little in the aftertaste or as the cup cools. Light roast will pull a little grassy but accentuate the fruitiness of the cup, still very tasty but a little on the earthy side.

Roasting Notes: Light to dark, an interesting and tasty coffee. With the stone fruit tones, I would recommend keeping it in the medium roast range, unlike our other more “blender” Robusta which is definitely a dark roast coffee. These beans will pick up fans from light to dark, so good to play around. Easy to roast but is a little two toned with higher chaff.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Manggarai Regency, Flores

Processing Method:

anaerobic, Natural


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