Guatemalan Premium Huehuetenango – Finca Vista Hermosa

(2 customer reviews)

A tasty mix of tones, great from light to dark. The cup profile is mostly down the malty side but these beans have some awesome jazz.

Medium roasting really pulls together a tasty treat but you can take it lighter or darker depending on personal taste preference.

Hints of floral mixing with smooth nutty & malty features. Will show some winy citric and fruit acidity in the light to medium roast spectrum but all in all a medium to low acidity brew with a medium body.

Smooth, clean and sweet edged, a cup we are more than willing to drink all day. Guatemalans almost always hold dark roasts nicely for adding a little sweet malty note to the smoky and roasty tones is a tasty mix.


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We have been friends with the award winning Finca Vista Hermosa almost as long as we have been working in coffee. The background of the farm, the meticulous growing and processing practices, the empowerment of the workers (and their neighbors) is all top notch. The farm has been in the family for three generations and is one of the few that survived the Guatemalan revolution, not by luck, but because of how they treated their workers and the respect they have gained in the Mayan community. The largest perk to working with them, the taste and quality of the product.

This brew is a masterpiece of smoothness, cleanliness, and subtle sweetness, making it a delightful choice for all-day sipping. Delight in a harmonious blend of flavors that spans the spectrum from light to dark. These beans offer a captivating cup profile with a predominant malty character, accompanied by intriguing hints of acidity.

Tasting Notes: A tasty mix of tones, great from light to dark. The cup profile is mostly down the malty side but these beans have some awesome jazz.

Medium roasting really pulls together a tasty treat but you can take it lighter or darker depending on personal taste preference.

Hints of floral mixing with smooth nutty & malty features. Will show some winy citric and fruit acidity in the light to medium roast spectrum but all in all a medium to low acidity brew with a medium body.

Smooth, clean and sweet edged, a cup we are more than willing to drink all day. Guatemalans almost always hold dark roasts nicely for adding a little sweet malty note to the smoky and roasty tones is a tasty mix.

Roasting Notes: Easy to roast, being a hand crafted lot by Edwin himself, you can see a little variance in color but it is small, putting this in the easy to roast category. Medium to low chaff. If you do not have a personal roast level preference, try it first at a nice medium roast.

Guatemala Roast Level Photo

You can read about Finca Vista Hermosa and view more pictures here: Our Trip to Guatemala

FVH is a model farm. Edwin Jr. (third generation) is renowned for his consultant work on the ground in Huehuetenango. If a new farm works with him for a couple of years, its bound to be seen on the COE winning list. Okay maybe I am talking him up a bit too much but over the 15+ years we have been working with him, we have seen it spawn so many award winning coffees and operations including another one of our favorites, Finca De Dios. All of this

success is modeled after his own farm, FVH.

Edwin’s farm has won the cup of excellence in previous years and also has been used by Anacafe for the perfect example of what a Huehue. can be.

The original Mayan managed farm and one of the few farms to survive the Guatemalan Revolution. Although this is a farm, if you ever went there – it is more of a village than a traditional farm like we have here. Edwin and his family have very little to do with the actual operations of the farm, its all done by the village. The Guatemalan government really does not extend out to the rural areas so it is up to Edwin and his family to help build roads, schools, doctor clinics, give housing loans and take care of any emergency that may arise – I can attest to the fact that they do a fantastic job.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Lot #:




Processing Method:


Arrival Date:


2 reviews for Guatemalan Premium Huehuetenango – Finca Vista Hermosa

  1. John G Turner (verified owner)

    I roasted coffee dark (just to 2 crack). It’s a decent cup. Leaves an aftertaste, though.

  2. Don Gordon (verified owner)

    An easy bean to evenly roast to any level – but puts off a lot of chaff, enough to plug up my SR500 chaff filter (but still working sufficiently).

    I tend to roast/like dark, full city roasts for most beans & brews.

    Tasting @ Full City / dark: very similar to “Stormio” – woody, nutty and a little acidic / bright.

    Overall a good coffee, but lacks the smoothness & complexity of flavors I look for to call a cup great…

    • Jon Burman

      If you liked this one but thought it a little plain, you should try their Reserve grade coffee. Similar base tones but crisper and cleaner, a bit more lively with a greater depth of flavor, but also more acidic. Which some will like more, others not as much.

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