Mexican Altura Org. Chiapas Serranos

A great daily drinker! Good from light to dark but we recommend a medium roast for most. Very smooth and rich, chocolaty cup of coffee.

Lighter roasts will have a stronger lemony crispness upfront, a little risk of herbal/veg if you roast too quickly or don’t let it setup, but dialed in, has a tasty balance between lemony floral & hints of nutty caramel. 

Medium roasts are balanced and smooth, takes the more soury edge and floral notes out of the cup and heads it more towards a rich semi-sweet chocolaty cup with some nuttier accents. The body and mouthfeel of the cup get much thicker making this a wonderful daily drinker. Smooth and fairly neutral with some cool darker toned complexities. 

Darker roasts getting close to, or touching 2nd crack make a wonderful espresso shot. Very chocolaty cutting right through a little milk. Works nicely for pour overs or drip as well but will accentuate a little roasty factor. Compliments the chocolaty notes but kills some of balance.  


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60+ lbs


New 2021/22 crop Mexican! A wonderful arrival from the very high altitudes of southern Mexico.  Altura basically means High Grown coffee, similar to SHB or SHG. A top export grade.

Grown organically at an impressive 1750 meters above sea level near the El Triunfo biosphere reserve. A difficult feat cultivating heirloom varietals like bourbon using organic practices despite the devastating toll of leaf rust throughout Mexico.

Serranos is a group of nearly 200 growers spread throughout 22 communities in the southern end of the Sierra Madre mountain range in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. High elevations and an unwavering commitment to organic practices is the common bond among the Serranos group.

Each producer processes coffee with their own micro-mill and dry the coffee in the sun on patios before transporting the coffee in parchment to a centrally located dry mill facility where the coffee is prepared for export. Most of the farms have less than 10 acres of coffee cultivation, which makes farm level production of organic inputs, like Bokashi, an achievable means of maintaining proper plant nutrition. These organic practices also provide a protective buffer for more than 800 plant species and 390 bird species that make their home in the El Triunfo biosphere reserve.

Tasting Notes: A great daily drinker! Good from light to dark but we recommend a medium roast for most. Very smooth and rich, chocolaty cup of coffee.

Lighter roasts will have a stronger lemony crispness upfront, a little risk of herbal/veg if you roast too quickly or don’t let it setup, but dialed in, has a tasty balance between lemony floral & hints of nutty caramel. 

Medium roasts are balanced and smooth, takes the more soury edge and floral notes out of the cup and heads it more towards a rich semi-sweet chocolaty cup with some nuttier accents. The body and mouthfeel of the cup get much thicker making this a wonderful daily drinker. Smooth and fairly neutral with some cool darker toned complexities. 

Darker roasts getting close to, or touching 2nd crack make a wonderful espresso shot. Very chocolaty cutting right through a little milk. Works nicely for pour overs or drip as well but will accentuate a little roasty factor. Compliments the chocolaty notes but kills some of balance.  

Roasting Notes:  An easy coffee to roast. Medium chaff, nice screen and pretty even roasting, you will notice a slight two toned appearance, just make sure you see good expansion of the beans if shooting lighter. This cup will mostly appeal to medium and dark roast fans. A little longer setup helps smooth out a bit of acidity, keep this in mind if you roast it a bit too light for your preference.


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Weight 1.01 lbs
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