3 lb Bundle: Popular

(1 customer review)

Three individual pounds, this bundle includes:
Brazil Premium FAF Bob-O-Link – Espírito Santo – Washed Processed
Burundi Premium JNP Kayanza – Incuti Washed
Papua New Guinea – Carpenter Estates Bunum Wo – Kula AA


3040 in stock


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Jon’s coffee special features three of our most popular coffees.
This bundle includes:

*Bundles change over time. You will get the listed coffees at the time of order. *

Brazil Premium FAF Bob-O-Link – Espírito Santo – Washed Processed

FAF is Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza. One of the best Brazilian coffee farms on the block (at least in our opinion). They are the family that process and runs the Bob O Link Co-op, which many of us love and have been waiting for this season.

I had the joy of staying with them back in 2017 on my first trip to Brazil and am happy to vouch for the sustainability and quality of the operation. They are leading the way in boutique Brazilian coffee and getting better every season! This is not your average Brazil by any means. From processing, quality of screen, tastes and sustainability of their farming practices, these beans go way above 99% of Brazilian coffee production.

These FAF lots are basically fancy Bob-O-Link coffee. Higher cup scores than generic Bob-O-Link coffees, more diversity in flavor & more traceable.  Instead of being a  larger production blend of co-op members, these are fancier  top lots from single farms, or multi-family lots of single strains.

A washed processed Brazil! A very rare offerings, 95% of Brazil’s are natural processed.

Tasting Notes: Great cup from light to dark roasts. We liked it best on the lighter side of a medium roast, good shot at a hint of caramel (sweet and nutty) in the cup. Hints of citric acidity comingle with a nutty/caramel like tone with a sweet edge, reminiscent of a nice Honduran coffee. Clean cup, a bit brighter with a pinch of soft fruit at the lighter roasts, the contrasting nuttiness can come off a bit dry but smooths out with a longer setup. Much more chocolaty at the darker roasts with a noticeable increase in the body of the cup, still very sweet with a bit of roasty nuttiness in the aftertaste.

Sensory Notes – orange, lemon, toffee, dulce de leite, hazelnut – silky body – crisp acidity

Roasting Notes:  Easy to roast, fairly even roasting with medium chaff levels. Lower chaff than most Brazil offerings. We recommend staying in the medium roast levels, but dependent on personal tastes works lighter or darker. Make sure to let it setup a bit longer for a shot at the sweet nutty/caramel tone to pop out.


Burundi Premium JNP Kayanza – Incuti Washed

A very clean traditional example of Burundi coffee. Good balance between the brighter more floral character and a stronger chocolate like base with hints of spice notes. Not as potent as its Kenya cousins, but along the same of tastes.

Tasting Notes: A lovely coffee from light to dark. Your personal tastes will dictate what level to roast these beans to, if in doubt, a nice medium roast provides the best balance and depth of flavors. Light roasts will have a lemony citric crispness balancing with a sweet edged nutty/caramel/chocolate/spice like undertone. Takes a longer setup for lighter roasts to shine but for those who like sweetness and brighter notes in coffee will enjoy the lighter roast levels. Medium roasts build the darker tones and mute a bunch of the citric, a chocolaty cup with a burnt sugar kick, just a pinch of crisp citric that will disappear as the coffee sets up. Hints of nuttiness and spice pop out more one can see a little hint of caramel. Darker roasts turn the cup more into a semi-sweet chocolate bomb with a little spice in the aftertaste, much flatter but very tasty with a splash of milk or for espresso/cold-brew.

Roasting Notes: An easy coffee to roast: medium to low chaff and even roasting. The color can darken pretty good right before 1st crack, make sure you see the expansion in size and chaff coming off to mark your lighter roast points. Medium roasts watch for a slight sheen on the surface of the beans. Darker roasts marked by the 2nd crack, hints of oil on the surface or smoke coming from the roaster. Being a little crisper cup, a longer setup on the beans is wise to minimize any slightly sour tones upfront.


Papua New Guinea – Carpenter Estates Bunum Wo – Kula AA

New crop arrival from our friends at Carpenter Estates! AA is their top rated, best sort from the crop. Often the most sought after, but also the most expensive. Worth every penny in our minds.

All coffee bearing the Carpenter Estate name is grown at over 5000 feet elevation. All of their Estates considers soil and water conservation as a priority, and, the plantation is bird and eco-friendly. The plantation employs a medium density shade strategy, using two types of shade trees. This promotes even ripening of coffee cherries and provides habitat for at least 90 species of birds.

These are washed processed Arabica coffees. Quality Control begins in the field; Cherry coffee is hand-picked and carefully checked for uniformity; it must be red and fully ripe which allows for the correct balance of sugar and acid within the cherry. This selected cherry is then pulped on the day of picking.

Read More:
Papua New Guinea “The Wild West Of Coffee Production”
Papua New Guinea Carpenter Estates Coffee

Tasting Notes: 
Good from light to dark. In general, the more neutral offering out of the three, smooth, big bodied & creamy with semi-sweet chocolate notes, nutty accents and a bit of lingering spice in the aftertaste. Lighter roasting will show hints of acidity, a sweeter almond/nougat/brown-sugar comingling with more herbal spice notes. Medium roasting gets the fuller body and more chocolate/malt with hints of spice. Darker roasting gets hefty bakers chocolate note with complimenting roasty-ness. Lower acidity cup overall but will show some crisp citric notes at lighter roasts, some floral characteristics as well. A little roasty/smoky tone into second crack but it will compliment the more chocolaty and nutty profile. A nice medium roast for drip brew, darker for espresso and cold brew. Lighter roasting will appeal to some for the sweet vs bold tones similar to African coffees.

Roasting Notes:
Good almost anywhere we would avoid real light roasts for you will find a bit of raw acidity and underdeveloped darker tones. City plus to as dark as you want to go. To see it shine, keep it closer to 2nd crack than first. An awesome darker roast cup, great for espresso, cold brew, or a more stout like drip coffee.

Additional information

Weight 3.05 lbs

1 review for 3 lb Bundle: Popular

  1. Bill M.

    I always love this coffee. It has a lovely and complex flavor. No one element dominates. I like to roast it medium to medium dark. Each pound I roast is a different variety, but every time I roast this one, both my wife and I absolutely love it.

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