Peru SHB FTO – Finca Juan Herrera – Ronal Montenegro – El Palto Top Lot

A very tasty cup; a bit unique for a Peru. It has a nice soft red fruit tone upfront with just a little hint of acidity balanced with a nice and chocolaty undertone, just a little hint of citric acidity. Very clean cup, medium to low acidity along with a gentle medium body and good sweetness. A cup we could drink all day long.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


This lot comes from Ronal Carranza Montenegro who owns the farm “Juan Herrera”. A very cool single producer Peru (almost all the Peru’s we see are co-op driven). Ronal is part of the Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco El Palto (JUMARP), also known as “El Palto.” The cooperative is located in the Amazonian Andes in northern Peru. Founded in 2003 by 35 small farmers, the association now consists of 189 active members with a total area of 549 hectares in production. All members produce organic and Fair Trade Certified coffee.

Women represent 40 of the organizations families, including continual representation on their Board of Directors. The Association’s mission is to meet the demand of our buyers in specialty coffee allowing an increase in income for the farmer member and their family.

Tasting Notes: A very tasty cup; a bit unique for a Peru. It has a nice soft red fruit tone upfront with just a little hint of acidity balanced with a nice and chocolaty undertone, just a little hint of citric acidity. Very clean cup, medium to low acidity along with a gentle medium body and good sweetness. A cup we could drink all day long.

Roasting Notes: A very stand up lot good at almost every roast. Being on the snazzy side, lighter roasting is preferred for it will keep those nice sweet fruity tones intact in the cup along with a hint of crisp acidity, darker roasts will mute it up but are still very tasty.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Amazonas Region

Processing Method:



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