Peru FTO SHB EP Pueblo Libre Moyabamba

A good everyday drinker. Medium bodied, low acidity, rich and clean. Predominately down the chocolaty alley with a little floral upfront but at a full city roast picks up a bit of chary caramel in cup; very tasty. Darker roasts lose some of the sweeter more delicate tones and get pretty edgy and smoky. Very light roasts get a little herbal and grassy. Anywhere from a shade past first crack to a couple pops into second crack is wonderful.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


Coming from family-owned farms organized around the Promotora de La Agricultura Natural, which operates in the department of Lambayeque, Peru. The group was founded in 1998 when 21 coffee organizations (304 coffee producers) from the region of Alto Mayo Valley came together. Today, they take care of their members by provides technical support, and access to the international coffee market for 2,250 producers who are grouped in 79 local associations’ operating throughout the Peruvian Andes. Education and training on environmentally friendly and sustainable growing practices is a primary goal. Women have an active role in the organization. They are currently forming committees to start organic vegetable gardens. In addition to coffee production, members harvest and sell mangoes, bananas, squashes, passion fruits, and avocados.

Tasting Notes: A good everyday drinker. Medium bodied, low acidity, rich and clean. Predominately down the chocolaty alley with a little floral upfront but at a full city roast picks up a bit of chary caramel in cup; very tasty. Darker roasts lose some of the sweeter more delicate tones and get pretty edgy and smoky. Very light roasts get a little herbal and grassy. Anywhere from a shade past first crack to a couple pops into second crack is wonderful.

Roasting Notes: Avoid the extreme roasts points with this cup, super light or super dark the cup does not hold up well. Anywhere in the middle will be a tasty treat. A couple day setup is necessary to bring forth the subtle complexities; if drank too soon the stronger chocolaty factor or non-settled acidity will cover up some cool tones.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Lot #:



Chiclayo, Lambayeque

Processing Method:


Arrival Date:



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