Papua New Guinea Waghi Valley – Kunjin A/X Top Lot

A very rich and clean PNG coffee with a little African like spin on the cup profile. A bit fuller bodied and dark toned, low acidity and full of rich complex chocolate and herbal spice notes. Lighter roasts will put a little floral crispness upfront balanced with a nice chocolaty spice note, will be a little dry in the aftertaste. Medium roasts really bring the cup together and turn much more chocolaty, hiding almost all of the acidity and gaining complexity with the developed spice note. Dark roasts get pretty hefty with more bitter-sweet bold profile with some lingering roasty notes.


Out of stock


1 lb








60+ lbs


Kunjin is a centralized plantation mill that purchases cherry from smallholder farmers in the highlands. With central milling and drying, our partners on the ground control quality at the processing level — day lots are cupped and separated to build our containers and lots which are micro lot worthy are processed separately.

Kunjin comes from small-holders between 1400 – 1800 masl from the Waghi Valley in the Western Highlands within close proximity to the town of Mt Hagen. Coffee is being processed in a leased vintage John Gordon brand wet-mill. The hopes is that in the coming years, the mill will be owned and operated by our partners on the ground with brand new Pinhalense machinery.

To learn more about PNG’s unusual coffee industry, check out our recent blog article “The Wild West of Coffee Production.”

Tasting Notes: A very rich and clean PNG coffee with a little African like spin on the cup profile. A bit fuller bodied and dark toned, low acidity and full of rich complex chocolate and herbal spice notes. Lighter roasts will put a little floral crispness upfront balanced with a nice chocolaty spice note, will be a little dry in the aftertaste. Medium roasts really bring the cup together and turn much more chocolaty, hiding almost all of the acidity and gaining complexity with the developed spice note. Dark roasts get pretty hefty with more bitter-sweet bold profile with some lingering roasty notes.

Roasting Notes: Easy to roast, a very nice screen of coffee. Clean enough to do lighter roasts but being a little lower acidity, not a ton of jazz at the lighter roast points. We thought this cup shined medium to borderline dark roast where the chocolaty tones were much more developed and the spice notes were not covered up. Made some fans at the darker roasts but most PNG’s will shine dark.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Lot #:


Arrival Date:



Waghi Valley, Western Highlands

Processing Method:



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