Ethiopian Washed Guji Gr. 1 Uraga

The first thing one will notice is the aromatics. Smells like candied flowers with tropical fruit. Some of the aromatics come through in the taste but way milder. This cup has a bit less acidic edge that its Yirgacheffe cousins and a little fuller body. A sweeter upfront floral/fruit tone with just a little hint of acidity. Very smooth with a more chocolaty dark tone that balances the cup out nicely. What differentiates this guy from other Ethiopian coffees is a bit of a spice note mixing into the classic “floral/chocolate” cup profile.


Out of stock


1 lb








60+ lbs


This cup is coming from an aggregate of 600 family-owned farms organized around Feku Jiberil. Feku’s coffee washing station is located in the town of Tomme with in the Guji Zone of the Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Coffee producers deliver their ripe cherries to the Feku’s washing station where the cherries are sorted and pulped. After pulping, the beans are fermented for 36 to 48 hours and then washed. The wet beans in parchment are placed on raised drying beds in thin layers and turned every 2 to 3 hours during the first few days of the drying process. Depending on weather, the beans are dried for 10 to 12 days until the moisture in the coffee beans is reduced to 11.5 percent. Then the beans are transported to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, to be milled and bagged prior to export.

Tasting Notes:
The first thing one will notice is the aromatics. Smells like candied flowers with tropical fruit. Some of the aromatics come through in the taste but way milder. This cup has a bit less acidic edge that its Yirgacheffe cousins and a little fuller body. A sweeter upfront floral/fruit tone with just a little hint of acidity. Very smooth with a more chocolaty dark tone that balances the cup out nicely. What differentiates this guy from other Ethiopian coffees is a bit of a spice note mixing into the classic “floral/chocolate” cup profile.

Roasting Notes:
This cup is really shooting for your lighter roast Ethiopian fans. Crazy complex and bright but no underdeveloped tones; will be pretty acidic though. Medium roast smooths it out but is no less exotic, goes from a more lemony acidity to defined peach like notes. Dark roast brings out this more chocolate and spice cup profile with just a hint of peach.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Tomme, Guji Zone, Oromia Region

Processing Method:



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