Colombian Premium Huila Acevedo Tarqui

A great super clean Colombian offering. Smooth and fuller bodied cup, nice buttery texture and clean as can be. A little sweet floral tone upfront that is a little citric at the lighter roasts points but pretty low acidity from medium to dark roasts. Good chocolaty factor with some nuttier accents. A great everyday drinker.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


This cup is coming from family-owned farms located in the municipality of Tarqui within the department of Huila, Colombia. Jose Trujillo, Wilson Fiesco, Alexis Guarnizo, Agustin Trujillo, and Luis Guarnizo collaborate with an export company called Banexport to gain access to technical support for best agricultural practices. Banexport has matched these regional producers because of their shared commitment to exquisite coffee processing and loving care for their farms, which produce complementary profiles. These producers also share a passion for environmental stewardship, which is a crucial aspect of their farm management given the close proximity of the farms to el Macizo (the geographic breakpoint where the Andes mountain range splits into three distinct ranges and forms the water source for five of the most important rivers in Colombia).

Tasting Notes: A great super clean Colombian offering. Smooth and fuller bodied cup, nice buttery texture and clean as can be. A little sweet floral tone upfront that is a little citric at the lighter roasts points but pretty low acidity from medium to dark roasts. Good chocolaty factor with some nuttier accents. A great everyday drinker.

Roasting Notes: Good from light to dark but most will like a solid medium roast the best, good balance and smooth edges. Light roasts are equally as tasty but a little more on the acidic side, darker roasts are a much stronger cup and pick up some roasty tones but it compliments the cup nicely.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Tarqui, Huila

Processing Method:



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