Tanzania RFA Edelweiss Estate Carbonic Maceration

A decently clean cup that fits right in between the honey processed and washed processed offering. It looks more like a honey but tastes a bit closer to the washed. Lighter roasts produce the highest acidity out of the three Edelweiss offerings giving a bit more sweetness upfront and stronger floral tones. A bit fuller bodied than the washed processed the cup gets nice and creamy at the full city roasts level. Darker roasts accentuate the spicy malty chocolate notes.  Although it looks like a natural appearance wise, it is not a fruit forward cup like the actual honey processed. The oxygen-less processing really brought forth some cool attributes from natural/honey processing without the fruity factor.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


A very cool new crop single estate Tanz coffee!

Edelweiss estate located in Oldeani, Tanzania. The 600 acre estate is perched on the slopes of the Ngorogoro Caldera (the largest unbroken caldera in the world), a protected wildlife refuge for the endangered black rhino and UNESCO World Heritage site. The estate has been in the Vohora family since the end of World War II. In recent years the Vohora family has made significant farm renovation including intercropping macadamia trees for shade and income diversity. Mill innovations have also vastly improved water management and quality control from picking to export. More than 50 full time employees have access to housing and land to grow food crops for their families.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:



Edelweiss Estate

Processing Method:

Carbonic Maceration

Lot #:



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