KPD is a coffee cooperative located in Karagwe, Kagera formed to support Robusta farmers in region with over 4,000 members. Their demonstrates a demand for high-quality, FTO Robusta. This is Fair Trade and Organic certified Robusta coffee is grown in the Bukoba highlands in northwest Tanzania near Lake Victoria and the borders of Uganda and Rwanda. Members of KPD are smallholder farmers growing coffee above 1,500 meters on an average of 2.3 acres of cultivated land. Most farmers intercrop with maize, beans, and fruit trees, providing good biodiversity, soil health and shade canopy for coffee trees.
This is a blender coffee, use 10%-15% to add caffeine to your personal blend.
A little earthy to be drinking it by itself but it will add a lot of character and caffeine to your favorite blend.
Tasting Notes: A very crisp, complex and clean cup of coffee. Similar cup to a nice Burundi or Kenya, the cup presents the classic African tones nicely. Lemony floral notes upfront giving the cup a nice sweet crispness at the lighter roast points, a little bit of a fruity overtone. Semi-sweet chocolate spice notes balance the cup out, a bit on the herbal/tea side super light roasted but will develop into a plethora of tones as one pushes the roast towards medium or borderline dark, very full flavored coffee. Dark roasts themselves get real low acidity and fuller bodied while maintaining a smoothness not often found in some dark roasts.
Roasting Notes: A very versatile coffee and easy to roast. We would avoid the cinnamon roast level (super light) but anything past that will be tasty. Lighter roasts will have some acidity but provide nice clean cups. Darker roasts work great, smooth, strong with chocolate, spice, smoke in the cup profile.
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