Indonesian Sumatra Gayo Triple Pick – Anaerobic Honey

A tasty cup from light to dark. The anaerobic processing really adds some cool tones at the lighter roast points, so to see these beans shine, keep them in the light-medium roast levels. Medium bodied with medium to low acidity, a nice rounded cup. Lighter roasts will promote the sweetness and have a little crisp citric upfront and a slight fruit tone as the cup cools, balanced with a little herbal, rustic chocolate note coming from the Indonesian roots. Medium roasts are much smoother and less citric, a bit fuller bodied and still very sweet. Darker roasts cut out most of the lighter citric and fruit tones but still provide good sweetness, full bodied and rich with more potent chocolate tones and a slightly earthy accent.


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60+ lbs


A very tasty non-traditional but highly rated Sumatra! It will appeal to both Sumatra and Central fans. In a sense, this coffee roasts like a Sumatra, but tastes like it could be out of Central America. If you have not played with them before, Sumatra coffees break the coffee mold with their unique growing and processing methods. Leaves very thick, earthy, peaty, spicey darker toned cups. These beans however, are not wet-hulled, but put in a tanked environment and very slightly fermented, just like a nice Panama or boutique Colombian. Being a triple picked coffee, it is a much cleaner screen than most Sumatra coffees as well. These variables combine to create a very nice light to medium roast Indonesian (which is rare) with hints of citric, floral and soft fruit while still pulling a fuller body and creamier mouthfeel from the Indonesian strains.

This coffee was grown in the Jagong Jeget sub-district of Central Aceh, in the Aceh province of Sumatra. The area is home to nearly 9,500 people, of which approximately 70% come from Java while the remaining 30% is comprised of people of various ethnic groups, including Gayo, Aceh, and Malay. Almost 90% of people living in Jagong Jeget earn income through agricultural work, particularly Arabica production, which flourishes here due to the region’s rich black humus soil and elevation of 1400–1600 meters above sea level.

This coffee underwent Anaerobic Honey processing. Freshly harvested cherries are washed to remove any debris left over from the harvest before being sealed into airtight containers. The cherries are fermented in this anaerobic environment for 72 hours before being rinsed with water and pulped with a mechanical depulper; the depulper is calibrated to leave a specific amount of mucilage on the coffee for the drying process. The pulped coffee is then dried to a humidity of 12–13% before being milled, sorted, and packaged for export.

Tasting Notes: A tasty cup from light to dark. The anaerobic processing really adds some cool tones at the lighter roast points, so to see these beans shine, keep them in the light-medium roast levels. Medium bodied with medium to low acidity, a nice rounded cup. Lighter roasts will promote the sweetness and have a little crisp citric upfront and a slight fruit tone as the cup cools, balanced with a little herbal, rustic chocolate note coming from the Indonesian roots. Medium roasts are much smoother and less citric, a bit fuller bodied and still very sweet. Darker roasts cut out most of the lighter citric and fruit tones but still provide good sweetness, full bodied and rich with more potent chocolate tones and a slightly earthy accent.

Roasting Notes: Although this cup is way cleaner tasting than wet-hulled coffees, it will still roast like a Sumatra. One will see 2-3 different colors in the roaster especially right around 1st crack. Not too uncommon for 2-3 beans in the roast to be a bit lighter than the rest. Try to judge roast color by the average color and not the outlier beans. Will taste clean even if you don’t flick these out in the end. Any signs of second crack cool it out right away, ideally getting just a little development past 1st crack will the sweet spot.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Aceh, Sumatra

Processing Method:

Anaerobic Honey


1500 masl


Small Holder Farmers


Catimor, Timtim, Bourbon, Ateng Super, P-88


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