Guatemalan Huehuetenango BCT Select

A great gentle smooth and clean coffee! Lighter roast show a hint of winy factor with a pleasant nutty and malty balance, a bit sweeter edged. Medium roasts build a little more body and bring the cup into the low acidity category, medium bodied, less nutty and more malty. A bit neutral tasting but clean and very easy to drink. Darker roasts add a little heft to the cup with some complimenting roasty notes and a bit more of a bakers chocolate appeal.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


This coffee, although very tasty, is on the opposite end of the spectrum to something like our buddy Edwins Finca Vista Hermosa. This is small holder coffee. Aggregated and processed by a co-op, than chopped into quality screens (this being a top grade chop). These offerings give more the terroir of the land for they contain a “blend” of coffee from many different micro farms versus something like Edwins boutique single field or single processing run offerings, which can be a bit more unique and exotic.

There are plenty of obstacles to cultivating and exporting coffee from the department of Huehuetenango. The terrain is rugged, and the weather is extreme. Coffee grows very well here, and more than 450 families with farms that average just a few acres in size work together through a cooperative called the Association of Special Coffee Producers of Huehuetenango (ASOPCE) to overcome the obstacles.

Each family uses their own micro-mill to process their harvest, which allows for meticulous care in cherry selection, depulping, fermenting, and drying the coffee. ASOPCE has a centralized warehouse to store dried parchment until it is time to move the coffee across the country along rough roads to Guatemala City where the coffee is prepared for export.

Through ASOPCE, producers have gained access to technical assistance for managing their farms with the best agricultural practices. Using materials like coffee pulp to make organic fertilizers has helped reduce the transportation costs associated with purchasing fertilizer from afar, and at the same time, creates an abundant source of fertilizer that ensures better yields and quality. ASOPCE partners with an export company called BICAFE, which has a dry-mill facility powered by 250 solar panels.

Tasting Notes: A great gentle smooth and clean coffee! Lighter roast show a hint of winy factor with a pleasant nutty and malty balance, a bit sweeter edged. Medium roasts build a little more body and bring the cup into the low acidity category, medium bodied, less nutty and more malty. A bit neutral tasting but clean and very easy to drink. Darker roasts add a little heft to the cup with some complimenting roasty notes and a bit more of a bakers chocolate appeal.

Roasting Notes: This cup has pulled some fan from light to dark. Lighter roasts get a bit nutty but it can be a positive addition to the tones in the cup. Medium to borderline dark roasts make for a very nice daily drinker. Dark roasts for those who like life a bit rougher. Pretty even roasting with low/medium chaff.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
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