
Colombian Premium Huila Asprotimana Women’s Coffee

Regular Price $6.59/Lb
A tasty feel good Colombian cup! Very traditional in its tones and shines from a medium to dark roast. Thick and creamy with low acidity  and a toasted semi-sweet nutty factor. Medium roasts will accentuate smoothness with a hint of a sweet edge, dark roasts bring a little dark chocolate note into the mix but also some smokiness and reinforce the semi-sweet attributes of the bean. Can go a little light/medium roast on it and still get a great cup with just a hint of acidity but loses some of the thickness in doing so.


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$6.59/lb $5.59/lb

1 lb

$6.59/lb $5.59/lb


$6.59/lb $5.59/lb


$6.59/lb $5.59/lb


$6.59/lb $5.59/lb

60+ lbs


Looking to support women in coffee? For the past three years, Programa Mujer Cafetera Asociación De Productores Agrícolas De Timaná (ASPROTIMANA) has been working directly with women producers to establish coffee production from farms owned and managed by women.

With the support of Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA), 53 women have emerged with the skills to process specialty coffee using their own micro-mills. Cultivating coffee on just a few acres of land intercropped with shade trees, bananas, corn, and beans lends to careful post-harvest practices including hand sorting cherries before depulping, fermenting, washing, and drying the coffee using their own micro-mills.

After processing, ASPROTIMANA works with an export company called San Miguel, a family owned company based in Huila that focuses on bringing traceable micro-lots to the international market. The partnership ensures traceability and quality control throughout the post harvest process and a mutual goal to improve the quality of life for coffee producers and their families through internationally marketing women’s coffee to gain improved premiums. wider market, and vice versa.

Tasting Notes: A tasty feel good Colombian cup! Very traditional in its tones and shines from a medium to dark roast. Thick and creamy with low acidity  and a toasted semi-sweet nutty factor. Medium roasts will accentuate smoothness with a hint of a sweet edge, dark roasts bring a little dark chocolate note into the mix but also some smokiness and reinforce the semi-sweet attributes of the bean. Can go a little light/medium roast on it and still get a great cup with just a hint of acidity but loses some of the thickness in doing so.

Roasting Notes: Roasts slightly two toned being a mix of strains and producers but still makes the easy to roast category with its medium to dark roast recommendation. By the time you are at a medium roast, anything lighter will be through first crack. Low chaff, a quicker hotter roast produces a little crisper cup but most Colombian fans tend to like big and bold, which can be accentuated from slower roasting.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Timana, Huila

Processing Method:



1590 – 1750 masl


53 women organized around Asociación de Productoras Agricultores Agrícolas De Timana (ASPROTIMANA)


Castillo , Caturra, and Colombia


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