Colombian Premium Huila – Java Strain – Double Fermentation Washed

An exotic Colombian far from traditional Colombian tones. If one was not told it was produced in Colombia, most would think this to be a fancy Ethiopian coffee with a fuller body.

A great cup from light to dark. To showcase the quality of this coffee, keep it on the lighter side; lemon, floral, soft fruit, a ton of sweetness, tea like spice all balance on a fuller bodied cup. Can be a little acidic for some but a great roast level. Medium roasts bring layers of complex darker tones into the foreground, similar to a Yirgacheffe, it is sweet tea like and floral with a little hint of fruit in the aftertaste. Great body and mouthfeel medium to dark roasted, creamy, or buttery textured per se.  Dark roasts themselves turn a little bittersweet and roasty, but with the full body and tea like spice, was still a very tasty roast point.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


An exotic Colombian far from traditional Colombian tones. If one was not told it was produced in Colombia, most would think this to be a fancy Ethiopian coffee with a fuller body.

This single-variety lot comes from 14 producers located in the La Argentina, Palestina, Timaná, and Ororapa municipalities in Huila. The Java variety has its origins in the early days of coffee planting, on the island of Java in Indonesia; it was introduced by the Dutch, directly from Ethiopia. The plant is valued for its resistance to disease and its highly favorable cup quality when grown at high altitudes.

The double fermentation process involves an initial fermentation in cherry, followed by traditional pulping and a second, usually longer period of fermentation in tanks before the coffee is then sun-dried on patios or parabolic driers. This gives the cup a slightly fruity/sweet character while still providing a very clean cup of coffee.

Tasting Notes: A great cup from light to dark. To showcase the quality of this coffee, keep it on the lighter side; lemon, floral, soft fruit, a ton of sweetness, tea like spice all balance on a fuller bodied cup. Can be a little acidic for some but a great roast level. Medium roasts bring layers of complex darker tones into the foreground, similar to a Yirgacheffe, it is sweet tea like and floral with a little hint of fruit in the aftertaste. Great body and mouthfeel medium to dark roasted, creamy, or buttery textured per se.  Dark roasts themselves turn a little bittersweet and roasty, but with the full body and tea like spice, was still a very tasty roast point.

Roasting Notes: Easy to roast, medium chaff levels and pretty even roasting. First crack is a little extended, so if shooting lighter you may be hitting cool just a pinch before first crack is over. Medium to dark roasts pretty traditional look and feel in the roaster. A longer setup time before you grind/drink will pop out more complexities.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:




Processing Method:

Double Fermentation


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