Indonesian Bali Org. – Kintamani Natural

(15 customer reviews)

Very fermenty/fruity, lower acidity cup with good body. A wild old world natural processed good from light to dark. A beautiful tasting bean this season: slightly fruitier but still balances with traditional Indonesian character. Hints of acidity with stronger fruitiness at lighter roasts, strong fruit/oak tones on a more nutty/earthy/chocolaty profile at darker roast points. No missing the wild side in this cup. Medium roasts are where one should shoot for their first roast, mutes some nutty tones and pronounces the chocolaty factor for some balance, still plenty of wild fruity natural processed tones in the cup. Dark roasts will introduce some smoky accents but retain great sweetness. A great balance of slow dried natural with thick and creamy dark tones all in one cup.


Out of stock


1 lb








60+ lbs


A very unique, overly fermented (very fruity) cup of joe.

Bali is a tiny island– actually, a submerged volcano peak – just off the east coast of Java, with many small coffee farms. The farmers who grow Kintamani Natural belong to cooperative organizations known as Subak Abian (SA) founded on a Hindu philosophy known as “Tri Hita Karana” (the three causes of happiness). SA co-ops foster community in agricultural, social and religious activities, and have been certified Organic since 2008. Pesticides are never used on their coffee farms, and fertilizers are 100% organic.

SA farmers grow almost all heirloom Arabicas, Typica & Bourbon. They use trees such as Erythrina, Tangerine, and Orange to shade the coffee, which improves yield and cup quality and enhances wildlife habitat.

“Kintamani Natural” is 100% sundried on raised beds; It’s perhaps the first ever special prep natural Indonesian. Raised beds keep the cherry free of dirty flavor, and facilitate very quick drying in Bali’s high altitude sun and constant island breeze. The cup is extraordinarily exotic and unique with a rich, buttery mouthfeel, while retaining Indonesia’s full-bodied, savory character. It features super-intense, brandyish fruit flavors of plum and sweet cherry at lighter roasts; darker roasts develop much heavier body with a spicy, smoky twist. An easy roaster that’s exceptionally versatile, roast Bali “Kintamani Natural” any way you’d like; slow or quick, from first crack to French, you’ll get very unique and terrific flavor!

Tasting Notes:
Very fermenty/fruity, lower acidity cup with good body. A wild old world natural processed good from light to dark. A beautiful tasting bean this season: slightly fruitier but still balances with traditional Indonesian character. Hints of acidity with stronger fruitiness at lighter roasts, strong fruit/oak tones on a more nutty/earthy/chocolaty profile at darker roast points. No missing the wild side in this cup. Medium roasts are where one should shoot for their first roast, mutes some nutty tones and pronounces the chocolaty factor for some balance, still plenty of wild fruity natural processed tones in the cup. Dark roasts will introduce some smoky accents but retain great sweetness. A great balance of slow dried natural with thick and creamy dark tones all in one cup.

Roasting Notes:
Higher chaff and slightly uneven roasting. Right around a full city roast (close or touching 2nd crack) is going to be the sweet spot for a bulletproof roast level. Lighter can be quite tasty as well, much more emphasis on the fruitiness, but too light and one can get some sour/herbal. Most will want to push it more towards a medium roast or darker. Right before 2nd crack mutes up a bit of fruit but gets more like a single origin mokka java blend or Yemen type cup profile, a bit of rustic chocolate and a bit of fruit – almost anyone would like that cup!

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Lot #:



Kintamani, Bali

Processing Method:


Arrival Date:



1200 – 1600 masl


Coffee producers organized through Subak Abian (SA) a traditional structure of farmer organization in upland Bali


Bourbon, (S795 & USDA 762) Typica, and Catimor

15 reviews for Indonesian Bali Org. – Kintamani Natural

  1. David Hollinger

    I really enjoy this coffee. In past years there seemed to be more of an upfront berry aroma and taste with a medium roast. On the current batch, the berry aroma is there but the berry tone is much more muted. I have used an SR500 roaster for the past five years.

  2. milazzochr (verified owner)

    My favorite for cold brewing. Chaff is easily shed and it yields a nice, earthy berry cold brew.

  3. MAMurphy (verified owner)

    At full city roast this coffee bean really gives a full brandyish aroma. Very rich. Love it!

  4. John (verified owner)

    The aroma at Full City is very intense, especially after a couple of days rest. The intense sweetness on the nose does not carry over to the palate though, as it is somewhat muted, but when combined with a Harrar which is very sweet on the palate and muted sweetness on the nose, it really shines. I add in a Mexican Natural for a baked fruit/cocoa base to round things out, and the blend is a favorite in my congregation.

  5. William Keller (verified owner)

    This is just about my favorite coffee from BCT. Its rich flavor is similar to a natural Ethiopian coffee, but that brandy flavor really sets it apart. It is wonderful at a City+ roast and at a Full City roast. Earlier crops have been a little better than this year’s crop, but not by much. I have ordered it several times and will order it again.

  6. jq adams (verified owner)

    This is an excellent coffee, classic Indonesian profile. I roast this medium roast on a Behmor 1600 ,B,P3, about 22 minutes and then around 19 minutes I start watching it. When the 1st crack starts,you start to consider to cool. This one goes dark really fast. Its good at French roast but if you can get more classic lighter color than French you will have a special cup. Enjoy

    Buy this one in bulk and put it in the pantry, its really good.

  7. Michael Albertini (verified owner)

    This is one of my favorite coffees. There are definite berry tones and is very smooth. A wonderful coffee when brought into 2nd crack.

  8. Glenn Squires (verified owner)

    This is the third (I think) crop of the Kintamani that I have purchased. The first one blew me away, I had never tried a natural processed bean before; hell, I didn’t even know what “natural” was. I had never tasted a coffee with such raw, earthy tones. I loved it. It is still my favorite but it is becoming more refined and I miss the flavor of the first batch I had.

  9. Dominic Ricci (verified owner)

    First time re-ordering a bean. I loved this. The description for the flavor profile is perfect. Very much like an Ethiopian bean with the fruitiness. Also very easy bean to roast with consistency

  10. Anna Carter

    Roasted just into the 2nd crack. I’m in love with it. Has that extra flavor that makes me crave another cup.

  11. Patrick M (verified owner)

    As others mentioned, this recent crop is a bit muted compared to previous years. It makes an amazing espresso, though. Reminds me of a stellar Santa Barbara, Honduras natural. It’s a clean cup when prepared through an Aeropress or V60, but the flavor is muted.

  12. gwillis (verified owner)

    My first roast was only just to 2nd crack, it was OK. My second roast was well into 2nd crack, 45 sec. Wow. I really like this coffee with the dark roast. Just ordered another 10 lbs just to have it on hand.

  13. UrDad (verified owner)

    Earth Funk Berry.

  14. bcockman (verified owner)

    i’ve been hopping around on buying small batches of different varieties and I’m glad I landed here. This reminds me so much of HONDURAN ORG. 18 RABBIT MICROLOT – NATURAL PROCESSED, with the Bali having more of a malty flavor and the Honduran on the nutty side of malty. Either one is welcome in my home. I decided I’d roast to a good medium, and dry end occurred at 3:50 with 1st crack beginning around 7:23, and I ended the roast into a bean cooler at 9:15. 1st crack was continuous for most of that development. I’m espresso only. Fresh Roast SR800 w/extension tube. No other mods.

  15. bcockman (verified owner)

    one more thing: at my medium roast level and espresso brew, this coffee surprisingly needs to be ground as fine as a very light roast I’ve had recently, and also produces volume you’d expect from a darker roast. I went from 18g to 17.5 because of it. it’s the strangest thing. but so worth it.

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