This coffee is very high chaff and dense, which can cause issues in many home roasters. We do not recommend roasting this coffee in a Nesco, and you will have to reduce your batch size in all the other roasters.
This is a blender coffee, use 10%-15% to add caffeine to your personal blend.
This Robusta is a clean and rich cup, it is very full flavored.
A little earthy to be drinking it by itself but it will add a lot of character and caffeine to your favorite blend.

Blending a small (about 20%) in a blend of this bean with either Guatemala or Dominican Republic produces an exquisite tasting cup of coffee. By themselves, Dominican and Guatemala coffees taste OK to me. The transformation when adding a small amount of this robusta bean is incredible. Adding more than about 20% will tip the flavor to not so good. Try it!