Peru Cajamarca Huabal – Small Holders

A lovely daily drinker from light to dark roast, a bit more citric floral and nutty lighter, the medium to dark roasts marks still seem to be the sweet spot unless you love more floral light roasts. Gets a little fuller bodied with lower acidity, nice nuttier chocolate tones with a hint of floral on top as you push the roast a bit past light. A bit sweeter edge until you hit super dark roasts, if close to 2nd crack will have a little underlying smoky tone adding into the mix.


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60+ lbs


This is  the fresh crop offering on the Huabal, some of you may have had the blowout special, out with the old, in with the new! A nice aggregate production put together by our friends at Cafe Imports. They do a wonderful job putting together a regional example of Peruvian beans.

In Peru, the bulk of production comes from small farms owned and managed by indigenous people who follow organic farm management practice attuned to their cultural connection with the land. Producers typically cultivate coffee on just a few acres of land intercropped with shade trees, bananas, corn, and beans.

They carefully harvest and sort cherries before depulping, fermenting, washing, and drying the coffee using their own micro-mills.

Tasting Notes: A lovely daily drinker from light to dark roast, a bit more citric floral and nutty lighter, the medium to dark roasts marks still seem to be the sweet spot unless you love more floral light roasts. Gets a little fuller bodied with lower acidity, nice nuttier chocolate tones with a hint of floral on top as you push the roast a bit past light. A bit sweeter edge until you hit super dark roasts, if close to 2nd crack will have a little underlying smoky tone adding into the mix.

Roasting Notes: Easy cup to roast, even processing and lower chaff. We would recommend at least a little development past first crack to insure a tasty cup. Lighter spectrum roasting can be a little sharp (hints of acidity) if drank within the first 2-3 days, some will like that, some will not. If a lower acidity fan, try giving it a couple days before drinking.


Country Peru
Region Huabal, Cajamarca
Farm Various smallholder farmers
Variety Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Costa Rica, Typica
Altitude 1800–1900 masl
Proc. Method Washed

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
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Huabal Peru

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