Organic Huila Coffee cultivation from small family owned farms is the backbone of production in Colombia. This traceable community blend with a vibrant regional profile comes from 64 producers with small farms in the municipality of Pitalito within the department of Huila. Each producer has their own micro-mill where they carefully harvest cherries, depulp, ferment, wash and gently dry the parchment on raised beds. Imagine the harmony between these producers in farm management and post-harvest practices to achieve a clean and consistent blend. But also just enough differences from farm to farm to create a rich complexity of flavors. An export company called Mastercol provides crucial logistical support for things like warehousing and milling coffee for export to the international market, which provides better income for everyone to reinvest in their farms and strengthen their families’ livelihoods.
Tasting Notes: A great super clean Colombian offering. Smooth and fuller bodied cup, nice buttery texture and clean as can be. A little sweet floral tone upfront that is a little citric at the lighter roasts points but pretty low acidity from medium to dark roasts. Good chocolaty factor with some nuttier accents. A great everyday drinker.
Roasting Notes: Good from light to dark but most will like a solid medium roast the best, good balance and smooth edges. Light roasts are equally as tasty but a little more on the acidic side, darker roasts are a much stronger cup and pick up some roasty tones but it compliments the cup nicely.
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