
Indonesian Org Bali Uptiti Sari Red Cherry

Regular price $7.25/Lb Very clean cupping for an Indonesian – reminds me of the top years for the Blue Moon. Great medium to dark roast coffee. A little hint of a citrus acidity; almost a little orangeish type tone and very chocolaty. Medium roast is our preferred roast, retains just a hint of that citrus acidity with a thick and creamy chocolaty undertone. Dark roasts are awfully tasty as well but will add a smoky tone along with bittersweet chocolate.


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$7.25/lb $5.90/lb

1 lb

$7.25/lb $5.90/lb


$7.25/lb $5.90/lb


$7.25/lb $5.90/lb


$7.25/lb $5.90/lb

60+ lbs


This is the souped-up version of the Bali Blue Moon – they took the top families involved, paid a huge premium for using just the ripest of beans. They decreased the laser sorter defect allowance and threw it through another manual sort afterwards. A beautiful screen and coffee.

36 family owned farms located around Desa Lemukih, in the Kintamani highlands on the island province of Bali, Indonesia. Coffee is grown on the northeastern slopes of Mount Bratan along with citrus trees that provide shade and another source of income. Coffee production is organized around Subak Abian Manik Galih, a community organization that manages the subak irrigation systems developed more than 1,000 years ago. This religious organization times the flooding of fallow rice fields to a lunar calendar, with major flood gates at special water temples. This coffee’s hallmark Indonesian flavor is the product of wet-hulling, a uniquely Indonesian processing method in which the coffee parchment is removed before the final drying is completed. The Red Cherry Project coffees offer a premium to farmers who deliver ripe coffee cherries.

Tasting Notes: Very clean cupping for an Indonesian – reminds me of the top years for the Blue Moon. Great medium to dark roast coffee. A little hint of a citrus acidity; almost a little orangeish type tone and very chocolaty. Medium roast is our preferred roast, retains just a hint of that citrus acidity with a thick and creamy chocolaty undertone. Dark roasts are awfully tasty as well but will add a smoky tone along with bittersweet chocolate.

Roasting Notes: A rare wet hulled Indo that tastes great at a medium roast (city +). Usually Indo coffees are earthy and muddy at the medium roasts, not this guy, crisp and clean. Roasts pretty even as well which is equally as rare along with the little orangeish sparkle. Give this guy and extra day to setup, will really smooth it out.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Kintamani, Bali

Processing Method:

Semi-washed (wet-hulled)


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