Panama Premium Boquete – Finca La Alqueria – Pacamara Washed Processed


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1 lb








60+ lbs


Panama is quickly turning into the worlds most cutting edge coffee producing nation. Bringing coffee growing to a whole new level .

While popularizing single strains like Geisha and Mokka along with dialing in hybrid controlled fermentation processing. A whole new world of coffee. Many Panamanian farmers found it very hard to compete price and volume wise with the neighbor countries so they decided to go boutique and high quality to save the industry in Panama, boy has it worked. Panama coffees now demand the highest prices and are often rated some of the highest in the world.

Like many of the Panama farms we carry, La Milagrosa is in the heart of the prime growing region. North West Panama, near to the mountain range and the Volcano Baru, in the District of Boquete, Province of Chiriquí. This place is popular for eco-tourism and the production of the highland coffee. Finca La Milagros is at 1600 meters above sea level, which means very high altitude coffee.

Tasting Notes: Crisp, clean and balanced cup. This is an awesome example of washed processed Panama coffee. Floral and sweet upfront, malty and complex to contrast. Soft fruit tones can be found somewhere between the two. Lighter roasts push the tones toward the more acidic side but these beans are clean enough to handle the lighter roasting, jazzy and crisp but may come off a little too acidic for some. Medium roasts balance the cup out nicely, like a well defined Costa Rican, one gets the wonderful mix of floral and malty/chocolaty. Darker roast get much heftier, good for the stronger coffee fans.

Roasting Notes: Easy to roast, wonderful prep and medium to low chaff. We recommend starting on the light to medium roast spectrum, this is where these high class beans will separate themselves from the competition. If you want to build more body and dark tones, or reduce the acidity, take it a bit darker.





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Weight 1.01 lbs


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