Jamaican Blue Mountain – Select Grade – Clydesdale Estate – Flat Bean

Only 4 pound left!
Beautiful coffee, soft islandy acidity mixing with a cool caramel/nutty tone, little hints of soft fruit and a sweet edge. Light roasts (just after 1st crack) are pretty clean and tasty but more nutty, as one pushes darker the nuttiness turns a bit more caramel/chocolaty like but will mute up the more islandy floral/fruitiness. How much you like a sweet nutty tone will be the decider where to roast this one. Darker roasts add a lot of body and dark chocolate smokiness but burn out all the delicate soft fruit and acidity which pushed this cup well beyond average for JBM. This cups taste profile is along the same lines as the Flamstead operation with a bit less lemony acidity.


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Only 4 pound left!

Jamaica Blue Mountain – Select Grade – Clydesdale Estate is sourced from family-owned farms located near the Saint Andrew parish nestled in the Grand Ridge of the Blue Mountains, Jamaica. Coffee produced in the Jamaican Blue Mountains has a protected designation of origin (PDO) because of the renowned reputation of Blue Mountain coffee.  Coffee is inter-cropped with banana, Inga, mango and many other shade trees. The Clydesdale wet-mill is the most modern in Jamaica with technology to recycle and treat water before returning it to the environment. The dry mill, located in an economically underprivileged part of Kingston, employees over 600 women to hand sort coffee.  In addition to the social impact from stable employment, funds are also invested in projects to support over 30 schools.

All Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee must be certified by the coffee industry board of Jamaica. The regulations are very strict and much of the coffee is rejected.

Select grade is a mix of grades 1-3. All low defect screens and beautiful beans but will have more variance in size than the Gr. 1 offering (strictly large beans). Very close in taste to the Grade 1 but at a stellar deal, some think productions like this give more of the terroir of the area then specific size screens but by our tasting, it was hard to tell a big difference.

Elevation: 1000 masl
Variety: Blue Mountain

Tasting Notes: Beautiful coffee, soft islandy acidity mixing with a cool caramel/nutty tone, little hints of soft fruit and a sweet edge. Light roasts (just after 1st crack) are pretty clean and tasty but more nutty, as one pushes darker the nuttiness turns a bit more caramel/chocolaty like but will mute up the more islandy floral/fruitiness. How much you like a sweet nutty tone will be the decider where to roast this one. Darker roasts add a lot of body and dark chocolate smokiness but burn out all the delicate soft fruit and acidity which pushed this cup well beyond average for JBM. This cups taste profile is along the same lines as the Flamstead operation with a bit less lemony acidity.

Roasting Notes: Very easy to roast, the prep on these beans is wonderful; just make sure to get a little past first crack if wanting a lighter roast. We recommend not going too close to 2nd crack either, not because it doesn’t taste good but because it will burn out a lot of what you are paying up for. Darker roast fans would be just a good saving a couple bucks and going with the Arthur Estate.


Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
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Saint Andrew Parish

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