Brazil Premium Cerrado Mineiro – Fazenda Paiolinho – Red Catuai Natural

A wonderful new Brazilian arrival! Good from light to dark, clean and rich with a nutty and chocolaty profile. Lighter roasts will show hints of lemony acidity and soft fruit, floral aromatics with a semi-sweet chocolaty undertone, a little dry but complex and clean. Medium roasts build a little more body and chop out the acidity, a more neutral cup that is very easy to drink all day. Darker roasts shine as well, touching 2nd crack develops a sweeter edge to the cup and creates a wonderful mix of stronger chocolaty tones with a little smoke in the aftertaste. As the cup cools one can detect little hints of that soft fruit tone but all in all, we would not consider it a fruity coffee. A fun single origin coffee or snazzy blend base for your house


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1 lb








60+ lbs


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Ernesto Fornaro’s family first arrived in Brazil from Italy in the early 1900’s with the dream of farming on Brazil’s rich soils. Originally dedicated to sugar cane and grape production across various towns in São Paulo state, the family relocated to Patrocínio, Minas Gerais in 1989 to begin cultivating coffee. Today, three generations of the family work together to farm coffee, including first generation Ernesto Fornaro, second generation Edenilson Fornaro, and third generation Patricia Fornaro.

The family farm Paiolinho rests 1100–1200 meters above sea level in Serra do Salitre, Minas Gerais, covering 104 hectares in total with 53 hectares dedicated to coffee cultivation. The family grows Catuaí, Mundo Novo, Catuaí 144, and Topázio varieties, and processes their coffees using Natural and Pulp Natural processing.

Tasting notes:
A wonderful new Brazilian arrival! Good from light to dark, clean and rich with a nutty and chocolaty profile. Lighter roasts will show hints of lemony acidity and soft fruit, floral aromatics with a semi-sweet chocolaty undertone, a little dry but complex and clean. Medium roasts build a little more body and chop out the acidity, a more neutral cup that is very easy to drink all day. Darker roasts shine as well, touching 2nd crack develops a sweeter edge to the cup and creates a wonderful mix of stronger chocolaty tones with a little smoke in the aftertaste. As the cup cools one can detect little hints of that soft fruit tone but all in all, we would not consider it a fruity coffee. A fun single origin coffee or snazzy blend base for your house

Roasting Notes:
Versatile coffee good from light to dark. A little chaff heavy being a natural but roasts nice and even. Super light or super dark were the least favorite roasts for everyone here. A little development past first crack to a  borderline dark roast presented the cup nicely. For espresso good to get a little fuller roast to get some nice chocolate tones in the shot.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Lot #:



Cerrado Mineiro

Arrival Date:


Processing Method:



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