This cup comes from family-owned farms located near the city of Antigua between volcanoes named Agua (water) and Fuego (fire) within the department of Sacatepequez, Guatemala. Coffee produced in the Antigua region has a protected designation of origin (PDO) because of Antigua’s renowned coffee reputation. Coffee is traditionally grown in this region under a canopy of grevillea trees and native shade trees called chalum (ingas).
Tasting Notes:
Antigua’s are generally gentle cups of coffee with a chocolaty versus floral cup profile. This one follows suit but is not super floral. One will get smooth and defined chocolaty notes with just a hint of crispness at the lighter roast profiles breakdown into just a hint of floral as the roast progresses. Gets a bit smoky and fuller bodied into the darker roasts. A great everyday drinker!
Roasting Notes:
Medium to dark roasts are where this bean will shine but will be tasty light to dark. Light roasts just don’t have time to develop those lovely chocolaty notes. Easy bean to roast and play around with.