This coffee is from a family owned estate within the municipality of La Libertad in the department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. The Vides family owns and operates several coffee estates through Vides58, a company named after Jorge Vides Molina, who established the families first coffee production at La Balsa in 1958 after he retired from a 30 year career as a distinguished doctor in Guatemala. Today, María Elena Vides (Jorge’s daughter), and Renardo Ovalle (Jorge’s grandson) continue Jorge’s legacy at Vides58. Their passion for quality was first recognized over 15 years ago with a second-place finish in the 2002 Cup of the Excellence. In addition to their passion for quality coffee, Vides58 partners with CoffeeCare to ensure that parents who work on the family’s estates have healthy place to send their children to learn and play while they are at work. Maria is also a member of the Guatemalan chapter of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance.

Tasting Notes:
A great classic Huehue coffee. Medium bodied and fairly low acidity, predominately malty toned, a bit sweeter and simpler in this cups case. They can be pretty dry and complex. A little hint of a nice winy acidity only at the light roast points. Much bigger bodied, slightly less sweet with complimenting roasty and smoky notes at the darker roast levels.

Roasting Notes:
Easy to roast, a medium to dark roast coffee. Light roasts have a little jazzy acidity but mute up a lot of the sweeter malty tones that make this cup shine. For those who want to keep it a little crisper, try a faster hotter roast. Can be drawn out at lower temps to get it a little more body and dryer more complex darker tones.

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