Finca Buena Vista is owned by Eneil Bayona and is located in the village of Minca. Eneil loves to produce coffee; it’s been in his family as long as he can remember. It hasn’t always been easy though, as he’d gotten discouraged by low coffee prices. Since then, he’s worked hard to make sure his coffee is certified as Organic, which has gotten him a much higher premium that he uses to continually re-invest in production and improvement. Eneil is heavily involved in the region and works with neighboring producers to pilot new planting programs and test new varietals.
Tasting Notes:
Good body with a pronounced toasted walnut and bakers chocolate undertone. A bit of acidity upfront at lighter roast makes it an interesting cup at almost any roast point. Lighter roast promote a bit of herbal spice between the citrus and chocolaty factor – on the sweeter side. Strong medium to dark roasts mute up almost all of the spice notes (the stronger chocolaty tones cover it up) and the cup becomes big bodied and bakers chocolaty.
Roasting Notes:
An easy to roast coffee. Avoid light roasts if you do not like acidity. A full city roast really bring forth the bakers chocolate like undertones, a nice medium roast has the best balance but everyone here liked it best close to just touching 2nd crack going after the bigger body and chocolaty factor.