This cup is sourced from family-owned farms located in the communities of San Isidro, La Palma ,Las Brisas, El Recreo, and El Silencio in the municipality of Acevedo within the department of Huila, Colombia. The producers collaborate with an export company called Banexport to gain access to technical support for best agricultural practices. Banexport has matched these regional producers (Eduar Perdomo, Robinson Huelgos, Ricardo Mendez, Gustavo Bustos, and Ledesnair Valencia) because of their shared commitment to exquisite coffee processing and loving care for their farms (San Isidro, El Recuerdo, Las Dalias, Villa Sofia and El Altico), which produce complementary profiles.
Tasting Notes:
A very traditional Huila coffee jazzed up with a hint of acidity upfront. Fuller bodied and on the cleaner side, these beans have quite a toasted walnut base tone that turns pretty chocolaty into the darker roasts. The acidity can be a little strong at the light roast points bringing into play a citrus and floral front end that keeps it a bit on the sweeter side. Darker roasts will be very low acidity but incorporate a much edgier cup profile.
Roasting Notes:
Easy to roast; a nice even washed processed bean. If you like a little acidity make sure to keep it on the lighter side, if not, make sure to get at least a strong medium roast on it. Works well at the darker spectrum but turns a bit edgy and semi-sweet.